My friends threw me into Odd situation...

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2 years ago

It was very hot today and the maximum temperature rose to 55 degrees. And I had to go to university today so it was very hot all day. On the way back from university, I was in a very bad condition. Everyone was exhausted from the heat. But I always say that God does not hurt man more than he can bear. After such intense heat, strong winds suddenly started blowing in the evening. . And the storm came, and the rain came down, and, the winds blew. Unfortunately, after the rain, our power went out, which led to the delay in uploading the article. Whatever it is, the weather has become much more pleasant than in the morning.

Let me say thanks to my new sponsor @Telecharm. I will suggest all of you visit her and read her articles you will find them fruitful and amazing. the same is the thing with @Ellawrites and @Bibijani01 as well. These all are more precious to me. Thank you soo much guys.

As I mentioned in my post yesterday that I am very tired from traveling home so I could not write today's article. So today I am going to share my last day with you all because tomorrow was a good day during Eid days.

The first day of Eid was spent as I said. The next day we all went to our uncle's house. It was Tuesday. We stayed there for five days and yesterday we went to my mother's sister's house. They invited us. Yesterday was a very good day. I enjoyed it.

We woke up at ten o'clock in the morning. My aunt made breakfast. We all ate breakfast together and got ready to go to my aunt's house. And my preparation for going there is even more special because it is my aunt's house and also my in-law's.

Yesterday was the last holiday so everyone was going back to their homes from picnic points so there was a lot of traffic on the road. There was too much heat and too much rush.

After 15 minutes drive, we reached our aunt's house. She was waiting for us. She greeted us and then started cooking. She makes delicious food. I like her food very much.

At about two o'clock we ate and everyone sat down and gossiped. I like this kind of family gathering very much. Then around five o'clock, Khaloo dropped us off at the bus stop.

I always enjoy traveling so I enjoyed my trip a lot. On the bus track comes a university. Seeing it reminded me of some old memories. Because when I had to take admitted to the university, it was also a choice and I visited it with my friends.

Where there are friends, there would be no fun it is impossible. This is a CO university. When we were coming back from university, my friends sent me to the canteen. When I went in, there was no girl, there were only boys sitting inside. And everyone was watching me. I wondered why all these people were looking at me. One of them got up and said to me, "Ma'am, you have come to the wrong place. This is a boy's place. Girls are not allowed to come here." I turned around and saw my friends all laughing at me. I was very embarrassed. hahaha hahaha, I missed those friends a lot.

About seven o'clock we arrived home and I was very tired. As soon as I reached home, I went to bed. And started reading the article on Read. was all about yesterday.

Share with us about the funniest and odd moment your friends throw you into trouble or embarrassing situation.

Disclaimer: all these are purely my thoughts. Images are taken by myself except lead image.


$ 0.70
$ 0.65 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Esp130
$ 0.02 from @Bibijani01
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Avatar for Tanain143
2 years ago


Yeah, friends always create funny situations. We too share those moments and later laugh at those moments.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, you are right tanain, God will not put humans in an extreme weather he knows they wouldn't be able to bear. Anyways am a lot pleased to meet you. Accept my sponsorship please

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha that's hilarious, glad to hear that you enjoyed much, by the way weather here in abbottabad is also much pleasant.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yup i have called my friend she was telling me about abotabads weather.

$ 0.00
2 years ago