Things We Usually Do Every New Year's Eve

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2 years ago

We are now on the last month of the year. 16 days from now, we will be leaving the year 2021, we will go back again to the Day 1 of 365 days. New year's eve is the last and most awaited event for the entire year as we're about to start the first ever day of the year.

Each and everyone of us might have the common practices to do during this remaining hours of the year, for most of my readers here are filipinos. Aside from eating the midnight meal or what we called the Media Noche, staying awake just to witness the fireworks, and lighting different fire crackers, making loud noises, we also have our practices inside our house. So here are our most common things that we always do during new year's eve inside our house. I'm sure that most of you here were doing it too.

Throwing coins to different parts of the house and collecting them

This is one of the most well known traditional practices that we usually do and follow every new year's eve, as it was known that prosperity will come to our house. After throwing these coins, every one can start collecting them, the faster you are, the more coins you'll get.

I'm always kulelat everytime we do this, because my brothers and sisters were so good at spreading their arms and body just to cover a whole certain part where there is a lot of coins. They even lay on it just to make sure that the coins under them are already belong to them lol. But I never feel envy over their coins to my coins naman as they're sometimes good to me and so they will share some of their coins to me after all.

Games with Prizes

Do you also play games every new year's eve? There are a lot of games to play but in our family, these past new years we had a game called "Bunutan". Basically, paper money with different denominations such as 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 will be rambled in a container, the one who's turn to pick will need his/her eyes to be covered so they will not see what money they will going to pick from the container. As usual, my luck never visited me after those years of playing this, I only get 20 and 50, but I'm still grateful tho since alteast I still got something than nothing. We usually do this after watching the fireworks outside.

Sing Karaoke

Filipino loves to sing and here in our house, I'm the only one who was not gifted with a nice singing voice or even the confidence it self. Both my sisters were good at singing. In fact, my younger sister loves to join a singing contest at their school especially during the face to face class. My older sister naman, she was known for being biritera during her childhood days, and there's me, shy and can't even sing any song in front of others HAHA. My father is really into music too, same with my mother who loves to sing Sayang Na Sayang by Aegis to our karaoke here. My brother is a bit shy too but he can still manage to sing in front of many people. Therefore, I'm the only one who loves music here but music doesn't like me.

Do a Family Picture

It's always part of our year end practice is to take a family picture before or after the 12 midnight. The past 3 years, we always wear the same color of tops every new year, the color of our tshirts will depend on what is the color of the year for the upcoming year. Just like right now, Very Peri is the color of the year 2022. We actually don't believe in this one before but since my older sister always pushing us to wear in one color, we follow na lang. Until it became part of our practices every new year. As of now, I don't have a shirt that fits the shade of Very Peri, so I think purple would work hehe.

New year's eve is the time where the whole family unites, eat together, sing together, have fun together and face the another year together. We all have our own memorable memories during this special event of the year, may we all have a fun, safe and memorable new year this end of the month. Just don't forget to comfort our pets too during this noisy event, putting them in a room would be better 😊.

Thank you for Reading!

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Written by
2 years ago


Sobrang enjoy ng New Year's eve nyo Sis no. Same sa amin, lalo na about sa coins, pampa swerte din daw kasi yun.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You mentioned a lot of things that other family can do also. These things can be a great memories every year.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The only thing that we do not do is a family picture. I mean we do but we are incomplete hehe

$ 0.01
2 years ago

One day sana macomplete na mga fam pics natin during this very special day. Ilang years din namin di na kasama kuya ko kasi nagwowork sa abu dhabi. Advance happy new year ♡.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We both have no clothes with the very peri shade HAHA. I am just planning to crochet an easy top since I have a yarn that closely looks like very peri. Wishing you an advance happy new year!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gusto ko po talaga matutunan yang pagcocrochet, para makakagawa na rin ako ng own made kong clothes hehe. Sa inyo rin po, advance happy new year 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Throwing coins is something unusual to me but it sounds fun, maybe we will try this from now :) Good to read your family traditions, they are so fun. Have a wonderful festival. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, you can try that game especially if you have a lot of kids in your house, it would be more fun!

$ 0.00
2 years ago