Of Nook, Crannies And Sickness

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Written by
2 years ago

They say the hands of Justice is ever long, can and will always catch up with those whom have done wrong. I'm beginning to really question this assertion. In today's world, the hand of justice is formally directed by the judiciary and this has made the business of manipulating and misleading it a booming enterprise. If justice were to be a hand, I've got to say, we will have had to stop doing anything right until it learns how to close up it armpits.

You might be wondering what I'm talking about. The reason for this article was a news item i saw a few days ago. In the article, it was reported that Abba Kyari was to be granted bail on basis of his health. If you don't know who Abba Kyari is, I wrote an article in two parts namely:



To basically summarise the whole thing. Abba Kyari is a high level police officer whom was responsible for running a special police unit which only answered to the Inspector general of police. He has been charged for trying to negotiate a bribe for an international drug cartel.

He was charged to court and he insisted that he had health issues and they had to let him go. This has come to be a trend in the Nigerian justice space. The accused probably knowing fully well that he/she is guilty usually lawyer up with the best lawyers available in the system. Their sole purpose is,usually to get them acquitted, but these cases are never solved in a day, and these caliber of people will do anything not to spend a day in prison. To that end, they usually look for loopholes in the law book to exploit.

Majority of the corrupt government officials whom have had to face the court to answer for their crime usually suddenly go down with terminal diseases. Out of the blues, they just happen to suddenly have deteriorating health and terminal diseases that require complex and constant monitoring. Of course, a court room will require proof of the existence of the ailment, but we live in Nigeria, a country where almost everything is up for sale for the right price and that includes medical reports.

While the judges been forced to make these decisions know that they are been played and tricked, there's nothing they can do about it as the book doesn't really lay a proper procedure for how to deal with such situations and common sense requires you put the accused's health first. This kind of bails usually open the way for these corrupt elite to make an escape out of the country. We have seen it done multiple times.

Mr Kyari before now was a super cop amongst cops and he went about doing his business without having to treat him once or there been a medical emergency, but now that he has to face the accusations laid against him, he seem to have supernaturally become diabetic. I'm hundred percent certain that Mr Kyari is sound and safe, but he somehow got enough about his imaginary sickness to have the judge grant him bail.

Now that's he's out on basis of his health, I fear he'll soon find a way out of the country just like many others before him, to a place where the long hand of Nigeria justice system will not be able to reach him.

Thanks for always taking out time to check out my rants and articles. I appreciate you guys

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Avatar for Talon
Written by
2 years ago


Unfortunately too often people like this get the best lawyers and find a loophole so as not to get the justice they deserve and goto jail! Hopefully karma will get him.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly, you totally get it. Once they lawyer up, they are as good as free

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I believe in Karma and even if karma may not be real, certainly what goes around comes around. God is everywhere, he will be rewarded accordingly.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hopefully so

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I believe that the justice he can never escape is divine justice. That hand is so long that wherever it hides it will always one day touch him.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I guess so

$ 0.00
2 years ago