The Kyari Dance 1

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2 years ago

As you must know if you've been following my articles, I had almost a five days break on read recently, which was forced because I misplaced my phone twice. Ever since I got it back, I've been finding it really hard to write. I have to struggle to pick a central theme, to come up with the body and even title. It's like I've lost my mojo. I really hate this. Anyways I'm here with another one today. I really hope it's worth your time.

Living in a country like Nigeria where a good majority live below the poverty line is quite hard as it should be in a country where unemployment rate is extremely high and most of the youths have to look after themselves and make their own means of survival. But there's one thing we never have a shortage of, and that's political or national dramas.

The latest drama in town is that of a man named Abba Kyari. The first time I came across this name a few years back, he was still a celebrated cop. An assistant commissioner of police then, who had many national and international awards and accolades to his name. He was a star, the face of the Nigeria police force to the international community. He was known for busting up high profile criminal gangs and making high profile arrest all across the country. The special police unit he headed under the office of the IGP was considered the most deadly force the police can unleash on a person's case. This celebrity-superstar status gave him leverage and connection, both within the police force and amongst the Nigeria elite. Over the years, he only grew in popularity and in power and would gain promotion to the rank of deputy commissioner of police( DCP: the fourth highest rank in the Nigeria police force hierarchy), until.......

The Chat That Starts A Fire...

It was another one of those multinational sting operations against fraudsters when a number of fraudsters were arrested in Dubai. Their cohorts had already been rounded up in other countries in which they resided. It was an operation that cost more than six months of undercover work and collaboration amongst law enforcement agencies of multiple count under the aegis of Interpol I presume.

One of the arrested was a popular instagram celebrity known for flaunting insane wealth online, his name; Raymond Abbas aka Hushpuppi. After the arrest of Mr Hushpuppi, the FBI revealed in court documents that he was in the habit of punishing his business associates and rivals in Nigeria through the instruments of DCP Abba Kyari. A formal request for extradition would later be made by the US govt to the Federal government of Nigeria.

According to findings, it was later disclosed that most of Mr Abba Kyari's link to Mr Hushpuppi was discovered through their WhatsApp chat history. That's when the fire started.

The Fire That's Will Burn

The Inspector General of Police would go on to put Mr Kyari on suspension to allow the police investigate the matter and decide the appropriate sanctions if found guilty. A panel was set up for that purpose and up till today, nine months after, we are still waiting for their findings. Mr Kyari must have been rest assured in his power and status, that nothing would happen to him, cos that didn't determine him. I guess the fire wasn't hot enough yet.

The fire that would burn him would later start a few weeks back when he went to negotiate a bribe with an officer of the NDLEA, the agency responsible for the control of illicit drugs in Nigeria. He was offering the sum of $61,000+ to the officer in question, unbeknownst to him, the officers who seem to be playing along was only doing so as part of a sting operation.

The NDLEA would later declare him wanted after he refused to honour their invitation twice, and the police, knowing fully well that this was beyond their power to control had to round him up and turn him over. To think the whole episode that has culminated in his being exposed as part of a drug ring started from another WhatsApp message to the said officer, makes it all the more comical.

For a supposed supercop, it's almost like the man is incapable of introspection. For a man on suspension to confidently negotiate a bribe for a drug ring shows both hubris and overconfidence in his limited abilities.

Part two coming up tomorrow....

Thanks for your time. Special thanks to my wonderful sponsors, I appreciate you guys.

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Written by
2 years ago


Between heaven and whatsapp there is nothing hidden... hopefully justice will triumph. I liked your story.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hopefully justice does triumph... You can check out the part two... I'm about to post it now

$ 0.00
2 years ago