A Life-Changing Expedition with noise.cash and read.cash

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Avatar for Talecharm
2 years ago

No one has ever ventured a life-changing expedition without the mind as curious as a cat and a heart as humble as a triumphant horse.

Several people have been wondering who is the woman behind the charms and crystals who loves to wonder and wander every time. Unraveling the knots with her humble beginnings, she once came from a globally popular live streaming community where meeting people virtually, sending love and support to the community, as it continuously develops and endlessly grows through creating quality live streaming contents among influencers, celebrities, and artists all over the world was a trend.

Since she joined noise.cash, the platform never failed to surprise her of the fancy moments she never expected every time she receives positive feedbacks and compliments from virtual followers to what she had posted from which never did she feel before. But one thing struck her eyes was when she had read a comment from another user who was really wondering who @Talecharm was and her due respect and love to user JAM09 for bravely joking to ask the query as shown on the screenshot of photo and message below.

"I am really wondering if who you are and what kind of person you are Talecharm? Are you the owner of noisecash? hehe anyway have a great day and continue sharing your blessing to everyone.. lovelots!"

With due respect and love for user JAM09
With so much gratification to Marc De Mesel

Her great apology for mentioning, sharing and tagging a screenshot of the comment but she really found it humorous yet an eye-opener to her engagement on the platform. Please do excuse her humble writing lines. As a faithful member of noise.cash and read.cash, it is both with pride and honor to introduce to the crowd that the very generous and triumphant man behind this is named @MarcDeMesel and she cannot imagine the big amount of currency he is sharing to all users daily for having quality expressions of contents yet she is just a humble user of the platform who found great pleasure in sharing love and support to people, and she is just a user who always learn the subtle art of not giving a fact to everyone every time she is thrown with a lot of questions and wonders.

Item in the package sent by the Blue Tarsier

With a simple glance of the community she was connected in the past, not to mention it has the most popular Tarsier logo in color blue which symbolizes a deep affection on asking someone close or acquainted with while giving nice greetings and big smiles. Since then, making friends with celebrities, artists, influencers, and all types of people were very common to her while spending longer hours online greeting each other, streaming, and even sharing best experiences of the day while showing appreciation, love, and support to each other were so loud.

One fine day of November 09, 2021 at 4:40 in the afternoon, she surprisingly received a package from an unknown sender. Little did she know that this gift came from the Golden Tarsier Community where she once belonged. She was in tears of joy while she was opening the mystery box because who would have thought the community still remembered and loved her evenmore despite not being active for a very long time due to some personal reasons and matters she had to attend to more than her career.

Unexpected Gift from the Blue Tarsier

Then after a while she sighed, smiled, and held back her tears remembering the happy moments she spent in the community. She opened the box thoroughly and found out an elite membership card updating her of the prestigious and lavish world that she would be continuously part of with the following words of appreciation as shown on the note and with the most gratifying message.

Means a whole word to me

With so much excitement, her heart leaped for immensed joy but this was just kept in private until today she have decided to make an article featuring the life-changing platforms and now you are probably wondering why. Not then she realized that up to this time, she have not opened the application of her previously loved home in the past where she used to live peacefully and eventually leave in the awesome community together with the blue Tarsier for some personal matters relating to her career, and not then until she found out two useful platforms which changed her lifestyle which are the highly honored platforms namely, the most life-changing noise.cash and read.cash.

Shall I call it a null account as good as zero

It was 4:44 in the afternoon of November 03, 2021 when @Talecharm in noise.cash was born. As innocent as a newly born baby, slowly opened her eyes in a new world full of thrills and adventures. Her mind was like a blank slate then as she explored the world of noise.cash with no friends and followers, and no one even bothered to say hi and hello although she little had an idea that it is like a social media platform, and that the only difference is one can earn cryptocurrency in the form of BCH by simply posting quality contents at the moment by which she found so enjoyable. In fact, she have been more active to noise.cash than in other social media accounts she owned, since she have joined. No wonder this platform is vastly growing more and more all through the years and to the next generation.

Talecharm in noise.cash and null no more

As time passed by, the woman with no friends in the community had gained more friends virtually. As what people talked about her, she mirrors generosity and kindness. This was not something new to her since even in her previous community she used to support, send love, and send gifts to friends virtually and for her, giving something without expecting something in return is more than just a great pleasure.

The following are some screenshots of comments from the awesome virtual friends who have inspired her more to keep going. Needless to say, other photos not included were treasured and well-loved.

Powerful Messages to be treasured forever

The photographed screenshots reflected chronicles of the priceless people she have had treasured, and though she may have not posted all words of kindness, she was deeply honored and humbled to have inspired them, but it is not only them who have touched her life, for as well as all of the virtual users she had met in the platform from time to time, somehow, they all paved the way to discover and uncover the hidden Writer in her and an opportunity to bloom like the sunflower, but noise.cash and read.cash to a greater extent had improved her expressions towards freewriting since everyday, she is writing her thoughts and reflections about life.

From Kindergarten to the Highest Educational Attainment she succeeded, she was never interested into writing though in school teachers asked for reflections and write-ups, but never did she had the love for writing until she found out the most valuable platforms which pushed her beyond limits to write more, and improve more, and not until she had officially joined read.cash around 4:22 in the afternoon of November 19, 2021.

How good it is to look back from the humble beginnings from the beautiful past while cherishing the good and bad times with a silver lining to go on with so much love, support, and encouragement from people, even if one had not met them in person and let she name them in the most special way as priceless gems and jewels. And so, she created a channel of her own named CHARMS AND CRYSTALS dedicated most especially to all the virtual friends in noise.cash whom she considered as golden treasures with hearts as soft as cotton balls, and minds as sharp as swords.

Radiating Positivity and Inspiring Others

The channel CHARMS AND CRYSTALS was created with love featuring the beauty of nature with so much wonder and wanders about life as priceless as the virtual friends she had met along the community while radiating positivity and inspiring others. But in a glimpse of an eye, she became hopeless, unwell, and even felt exhausted of her life for some reasons until a very precious friend named @Fexonice1 enlightened her to be part of the @Read.Cash believing that she can write more write-ups to inspire and radiate positivity. He eloquently expressed and I quote.

"I knew that something wasn't right with you because I didn't see your post yesterday. I almost ask my community members about you in my forum because most of them knew you".

Words from a great friend I always look up to

In addition, here is a message of appreciation to the most adorable @Fexonice1 who never ceased to show his support not only to her but as well as to all his friends in both noise.cash and read.cash community. His golden heart purely mirrors deep humility and generosity and she is more than honored as well to have met him in both communities because ever since she was a newbie in noise.cash, he lend her a helping hand and did not leave her during her darkest times. In fact, he was the person who invited and even convinced her to join read.cash.

A newbie Talecharm in read.cash
Life-Changing Platforms

Now that she is engaging both in noise.cash and read.cash, @Read.Cash it paves an avenue for her to go out from her shell and explore more to what writing can lead her and discover more of the Writer in her, she had not seen in her inner self for a very long time until people in the community were encouraging her to write more and grow more.

Here's to more inspirational writings covering nature and life and that every write-up she would like to make is created with a purpose to radiate positivity, teach greatest lessons, and share humble reflections in life with the most life-changing expedition she is going through while inspiring others to keep going too.

Joining in both noise.cash and read.cash is not just about earning cryptocurrency but it is a matter of more than earning and gaining special friends from all over the world. Thus, she highlighted with exclamation that noise.cash and read.cash are the best ever platforms online. And a big tango to the creator, to @MarcDeMesel and the whole team of noise.cash and read.cash with her grandest salute.

Sponsors of Talecharm

Special shout out of gratification to her generous and kind-hearted sponsors for supporting her journey as a newbie writer in read.cash and that wishing them to be blessed abundantly in all life's ventures, most especially to the sweetest and most humble sister here whom she always look up to, @Bloghound , to her dear friend, Annie, for being her first ever sponsor @Adrielle1214 , to @LeticiaFelize for being her motivator, and to @remona for all the wonderful remarks which pushed her more to write. Words are certainly not enough to express her sincerest gratitude to all of them but it really means a whole world to her.

Deeply honored and humbled as a Horse

Moreover, to her dear friends she met both in noise.cash and read.cash, and that she is very much grateful even with the simplest gestures, most especially to @Pearlkel , @Jane, @Mativator09 , @McRonald with so much gratefulness from the bottom of her heart with the humility as the horse.

All photos and screenshots are mine.

Copyright 2021 @Talecharm . All rights reserved.

$ 2.84
$ 2.38 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Jane
$ 0.05 from @Fexonice1
+ 9
Sponsors of Talecharm
Avatar for Talecharm
2 years ago


Yes both are life changing and so Amazing apps i am like both very nyc. Your writing skill is 100% . best of luck.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I just came to know about you and you seem to be such a cool person dear.. glad to meet you :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Awww thankful of your heartwarming words my dear friend, black doll. Grateful of your time and attention too. Hugs

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hugs you back.. can't wait to catch up more :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My pleasure dear:)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's also good if you will interact here so you could gain more friends 🙂 Happy to know that you enjoyed these two platforms.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Can't tag you but I am referring to you, @Jane, my dear friend with so much gratefulness. As always, thankful of your time and attention.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can feel all the love abd support that you have received in both platforms. 😊 even in noise.cadh, I have observed that you are really a very good writter. You have done a lot of splendid posts. Keep it up. I know you will receive a lot more from us and other people. Stay humble.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Awww. With so much gratification of your kind words my dear friend, Jonna. Big hug.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree with you on this. Because the best site I've seen is noise cash and read cash.It is also true that there are many boys and girls from noise cash and read cash who are able to earn a good income. And they are setting some good goals for their life.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Grateful of your wonderful remarks my friend, Mazekin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello Miss Talecharm.I am of those lucky noisers who receive your free tips.No wonder other users wonder if you are the woman behind Mr. MarcDemesel.Anyway, after reading your articles I am now wondering where you came from? I see tarsier in your photos that were sent from your Golden Tarsier Community . As Tarsier is very known here in Bohol.Anyway, Thank you for always sharing your thoughts and about nature in Noise. I miss you in Noise though. My fault I guess after I turn off most of the red bell thereafter I get pressured because I had more than a hundred red bell noisers

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Awww it's so good to hear heartwarming compliments from a kind-hearted and a very good friend like you, Alice. May your tribe increase.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

you are welcome, my friend. Enjoy and have fun on this amazing platform.I am sure will more friends here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good to have you here too. I think you will fit in just fine.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Voila! There you are my dear friend, McRonald. Been looking for your account here but the letter A is missing that's why I can't find you though. Grateful of your compliment as always.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, here we are again. This is my second virtual BCH home. This is actually my first love. The wife, Noise is the daughter and she seems to have more of the live and attention in recent days.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's good to hear from you my dear friend, Macronald. Been a while since we had not exchanged conversation and perhaps ideas from both the platforms and as much as I'm glad too that I had finally got your message and great words of wisdom too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm glad too. I thought this was your first post. But visiting your page to see you have been around for days. I have followed now, and should be notified whenever you share something with us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's been five days now since I have joined read.cash and a good friend Mr. Fexonice invited me to join.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Keep basking in the euphoria and bliss of this moment, they are worth sharing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Awwww those words are really so powerful which made my heart melt my dear friend, Pearlkel.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

you are a wonderful person also and a so appreciative one.your articles are really worth reading.Thank you so much for the apprecition and you really deserve all the compliments you are getting.keep on writing and inspiring people. GOD BLESS YOU.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

As always, I cannot ever forget how much attention and time I got from you even I am just a newbie in the platform. Grateful always for appreciating my post and thanks for your great words of inspiration my dear friend, Mati.

$ 0.00
2 years ago