We were living in village

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1 year ago

we were living in village we have spent there many years and when I become a student of 9th class we shifted from village to town. In town there is good facilities as compared to village but I still miss my village because the behaviour of people was different there were very kind to each other used to meet each other at different occasions they share their happiness and sadness. The village life was purely organic and there was no complication in village but when we came to town it is a mode like a city but not exactly City here we have face many problems. If I talk just about myself I was small and do not know much about our financial condition which were getting worse day by day and my father along with his brothers were doing hard work to stand their business again that was the main reason why we shifted from village to town. First day my siblings and I were so happy because we have entered in a new home and we have a separate room for us it was more cherishing news for us. We settled every thing in our room and doing work whole day we fell a sleep on next morning we got up with the sirens of the trucks which were going on roads there was so much noise outside due to traffic it was strange thing for us because at village we use to get up by only mother call or by sunlight which is directly coming to us because we use to sleep in yard. Here the scenario was completely different. We got up and we get ready for going to school and the Lucky Ali our school was near to us it was also an advantage of coming here we were happy that now we don't have to get up early in the morning and we don't have to do struggle with our rickshaw because when we were living in village we have to travel much to reach school but we enjoy the vibes of rickshaw obviously we missed it so much but the new life was full of new adventures for which we were not prepared that where the path will go. I have passed ninth class and tenth class with distinction I think it was only due to coming to town because here we got a new environment and we groom here I start spending my time more at school and at academy. After passing the matric I took addmission in intermediate in city which is near to us. I passed intermediate exams with distinction which the help of Allah and it was all due to parents and my friends who believed in me. But after intermediate everything changed my home my life in short every thing. Nothing was like it was.

With the passage of time we get used to it and the life of town become reflexing for us even now we don't miss our village. Off and on we go to village and see there our house. One thing which I miss for my village is only my house which was house in real meaning because everyone there was real but now my relatives living at home are becoming fake. When we came here , we have faced hard times but everyone joined hands to face each hurdle and wherever we are standing today is the effort of each member of family.

When we become habitual of our new home then a turning point come in our lives that we have to leave our house again _ history was repeating itself but now conditions are different. It was not due to financial crisis it may be due to pride of being wealthy. We thought that this house is no more good so we have to build a new one by destroying this. This was the worst decision ever because after leaving that home we are still struggling to find a home . After that home we took a home at rent and we lived there for an year almost and now we have left that home the time which we have spent there was not so good because everyone facing tension everyone was thinking that but we will do next and till now are you facing the same tensions and my father my uncles are getting old by taking all those tensions . now we are living in another home which is not our. Story is going with different layers.

$ 0.77
$ 0.75 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Mafer8866
$ 0.01 from @Kacy01
Avatar for Tahastories
1 year ago


But do not worry if you and your family is facing trouble one day would be good for you

$ 0.00
1 year ago

dont worry all these hurdles are temporary and i know that it is difficult for you and for your family but one day would be brighter for u

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Life is always struggle no one knows what would be the next phase we should be prepared for it

$ 0.00
1 year ago

There are factors that we should always consider in living in a village or in a city. But for me, I love living in a village because it's more comfortable, peaceful and away from too much noise.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

There are advantages and disadvantages of living in village or in city/town. Personally, I want to live in a village because it's more peaceful.

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1 year ago

I stayed in the village also, infact I spent major part of my living in the village and it was all fun. But the issue was hard farm work 🤣

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1 year ago