Instructions for newbies on read cash

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Avatar for Tahastories
1 year ago

Read cash is really a good platform . There is so much diversity of content here you can see content of every type you can learn so many new things here. The users who are lovers of read cash really playing their part in maintaining the good decorum of read cash . Users are providing good content which is informative and which is all about knowledge .

As many different views as many people :

As I have mentioned that , users on read cash are from different countries and they share their opinion in their writings. There are different sort of articles some users want to write about cryptocurrency like Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash. Which are the most interesting topics for me. I am not advanced with the knowledge of cryptocurrency it is all thanks to read cash because a little knowledge now I have about cryptocurrency is only due to read cash as here are so many people who are doing trading and doing investments. So the users who are not doing these things they can really learn something about cryptocurrency and you can do experiments about it . It is totally up to you.

So there are also users who post about daily life and they provide blogs on daily basis. I think it is a difficult task because I also have started this thing and it is getting difficult for me because I really have to do something amazing in my day so that my writing should be interesting even I have visited so many places this month just to write something informative on read cash but my experience is so good with read cash and with all those places.

I also have find some users , who are medical student and they are providing information regarding their course and those are also informative . I think users who are using this platform are mostly from university because I have read so many post about universities. Even I am also a student of university.

So it is a good platform to get different views of people but we should respect the view of everyone and should not cross the line .

Some basics 
  • Do not cross the line . I will say that religion is very sensitive topic and we should respect religion of every human being. We should respect the beliefs of others and should not post about these type of topics .

  • Remain in touch with other users because if you remain in contact with other only then they can remain loyal with you and you will receive good response.

  • One big mistake which I mostly see in the newcomers is " greed" and in this they post three and four articles per day don't be so speedy in race to get money . Only write that time when you want to write just focus on your writing .

  • Write articles with proper sequence means you can post after twenty four hours or many be you can take gap of one day but remain regular don't become ghost means after posting one article don't forget to be active on read cash .

  • I have observed one thing that your online activity on read cash also matters so it is up to you if you have time just scroll and review the feed .

  • It's all ....

  • I hope that you all understood


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$ 0.27
$ 0.23 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Tahastories
1 year ago


thanks for guiding the new users who are using readcash it is so good to read

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This article will surely help newbie and to me as well as iam also newbie haha wonderfully written I hope newbie will get some benefit from your article!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks for the tips.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I had friends that I introduced to this platform and they wanted to be posting thrice or twice a day. I laughed so much at them because that was greed at work in them. You know one funny thing? They were seeing it as easy to be posting twice day, they don't know that it's tiring

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes unlike on medium you can't write comments like "good article" as it's considered spam.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It is understood. Thank you so much

$ 0.00
1 year ago