Thank you @ewyr @Unity @CoolMidWestGuy @Rusty 🤣! Thank you readers too.
Will be back with articles later. Drop your Hives, others did already.
What is spring board article Bob? Alright thanks 🥰
Your introduction article can be a good amount. Hivers like newbies. But you have to do right. BTW I just produced $100 hive article, my best one so far. 😊
Wow, what kind of article should a newbie write? Intro...
Sent PM in Noise app with info 😁 sorry it took 3 days, lol
When I get some free time later I'll write you a detailed answer to that.
I wanted to be back on Hive but I forgot how already hehehe. Can you please send me a link where to make a new account?
Sureness we will send that after I check it again
Hey, drop your hive Id too in comment section, i also want to see you on Hive
Will check it yet, hopefully tomorrow it's finished.
I feel like it's been forever since Lesly and myself talked about Hive to you. Just remember to talk to us before you post your introduction article. That can be spring board article let me tell you :) Oh your always welcome SJ :)