October Table Buffet
October 1, 2022 . Another 3 months to go before 2023. I don't have report for September but it was a month of blessing for it tested us to stay on track to blog and read even though there were circumstances that hinder it to be completed.
More or less I have written 25 articles for September. 🌟
We hope that this October our table will be overflowing as we would like others to experience it too. In terms of BCH counts, in stories, in articles ideas and more, may our unique expression be an inspiration where others may eat from our table buffet.
As long as we don't go beyond the healthy boundary of stealing what's not ours, it's better to bite from other's stories of success as it impart us wisdom, understanding and the guidance to have the lifestyle we want.
I have heard this again from Kirby D. that in their congregation, they let others "eat from their table or feast" where the lost sheep, the sinners and those who haven't heard the good news of Christ yet are invited.
No need for them to be clean before coming or listening to the Word of God for it's the number one tool that will wash them away and TRANSFORM their minds into Christlikeness. You don't have to be perfect to be a listener & attend.
Once again, the holy book says that we shall no longer let men remember their past sins or errors by "doing human sacrifices in the holiest altar" for it only clean us of our sins temporarily & there might be chance that we'll go back to it.
There is a better sacrifice to clean our conscience maturely and that is receiving Christ' blood & final sacrifice to make us, the altar itself clean (not of our many sacrifices such as long prayers anymore but of what Jesus have done for us, once and for all).
Eating from the table of believers will give us new insights of the promises and blessings that God restored for us that we don't know when we are not yet in Him.
Most of them are doing so well in health, bite from it, most are doing well in work or business, eat from it. They are encourage to build a stronger & healthy family relationships and they do well, eat from it. There are varities of spiritual foods and drinks that we can share from them and it overflows so eat from it!
On top of it all, we eating from Christ's bread & blood is what keeps us going, a baby faith becomes stronger and adult by receiving and listening & the appearance of the Christ within is a celebration that is to be revealed for the manifested Sons or Daughters in His body.
Until we see Him face to face again (aside from each other), your presence in His overflowing grace is the hoped of glory we delightfully admire for.
May our table for October be as great as the past thrives and testing. May you meet and greet the Spirit of Immortality that rocks me & the same power that brought Jesus back to life.
The buffet is prepared for those who are ready to eat and receive heaven's grace. Come altars, come temples and be clean by His words and sacrifice.
Here's cheering on your appetite and willingness to eat from Christ' everlasting table,
SuperJulalaine 💗
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This shows how important fellowship is. We grow our faith stronger that way.