Yoga and easy yoga methods for wellness

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Yoga for wellness; Everyday busyness has made our life miserable. Various problems, work stress has adversely affected our mental health.

And what could be an alternative to yoga to calm your mind? On the one hand, it keeps the mind in balance and refreshes the mind, on the other hand, it also contributes a lot to physical fitness and well-being by reducing excess fat.

You know what It also helps in controlling various diseases. High blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, indigestion, migraines and many more can be easily cured by regular practice of a few special yoga poses.

Do you want to add this yoga to your daily life? Then why is it late? Learn how to do yoga now and start yoga for your physical and mental well-being.

What is yoga? (what is yoga in bangla)

The word yoga in yoga originates from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ which literally means to connect, reconcile, improve.

On the other hand, the word exercise means moving the limbs in various ways.

That is to say, yoga means to stand still for some time by concentrating on a particular posture.

It is an exercise that affects both body and mind. Yoga helps to reduce mental inertia and fatigue. It is even able to control several states of mind such as anger and restlessness.

The purpose and necessity of yoga

In daily life, work stress, anxiety, adulterated food has made our life miserable, on the other hand, it makes the body sick. Does a person's well-being mean just being physically fit?

No, not at all. Health of body and mind is the real health. And there is no comparison between yoga and yoga in the health of these two. I am trying to highlight the benefits of Nimme Yoga.

Yoga keeps fitness right

The role of yoga is immense in keeping a person physically and mentally fit. It helps to reduce excess body weight.

Yoga reduces stress

At present almost all people spend their days under different work pressures. As a result, stress increases and causes mental and physical exhaustion.

Then the mind does not sit on any work. And the easiest way to get rid of this is yoga. It reduces stress, brings peace of mind and makes you work.

Yoga gives peace of mind

Is there anyone who does not want peace of mind? No, it is never possible to find such people. Most of what we do every day is for peace of mind.

Yoga is so effective in bringing peace of mind that many experts say it is essential in daily life.

Yoga enhances immunity

There is so much pollution around us that we are always in contact with this germ. Various germs are easily entering our body.

However, in order to fight against them, there must be more internal resistance. And this is what yoga does.

Yoga makes our body's white blood cells more active and increases our ability to fight germs. Helps to increase the efficiency of tissues and muscles by increasing blood circulation.

Regular yoga increases energy

After so much work pressure all day our body becomes tired later. However, there is no pair of yoga to cut this fatigue.

If you want, you can wake up in the morning and start your day's work by doing some yoga. It will energize your day-to-day work, making you more active.

Who can do yoga?

From 5-6 year old children to 80-90 year olds, people of any age can do yoga. However, the type of exercise may be different depending on the age and gender.

Boys and girls between the ages of five and eight or ten can do any exercise twice in 15 seconds if they want. Later, with age and ability increase, he can practice four times in 30 seconds.

Adolescents between the ages of ten and thirteen or fourteen can do any yoga four times in the first 30 seconds. The time should be gradually increased.

However, in this case, if you feel any difficulty or difficulty, you must eliminate it and do it according to your ability. The importance of yoga in physical and mental well-being is immense for people of any age.

When doing yoga

Yoga exercises can be done in the morning, evening and before bathing or at any time of the night. 3-4 hours after eating, it is better to exercise after eating light drink tea-biscuits.

However, it is not advisable to exercise on a full stomach. Seats can be made after half an hour by eating a little. It is better to take a seat half an hour after a light breakfast in the morning.

However, those who have constipation, flatulence, etc., sleep better if you do Vajrasana.

The rules of yoga exercises with pictures and benefits

If you do any yoga, you must first know about their method. If you do not do yoga properly, the result will be zero. It is very important to know the method of yoga properly for physical and mental well-being.

So let's take a look at some yoga practices that you can easily do at home;

1. Padmasana

As soon as the name of yoga is mentioned, the seat that gets its name is Padmasana.

The reason why this seat is called Padmasana is that during this exercise the legs are placed on top of each other in such a way that the position of the feet looks like the petals of a lotus.

In this case, first the right foot should be placed on the left thigh, the left foot should be placed on the right thigh and both knees should be on the ground. The spine should be kept straight. Then the right hand should be placed on the left thigh and the left hand on the right thigh and breathing must be kept normal.

However, those who have pain in the ankles should be careful while doing this yoga.


This seat is very effective in relieving arthritis and strengthening the leg muscles. This posture makes the spine simple and flexible. Increases mental concentration and patience and increases concentration in studies.

2. Bhujangson

The reason for naming Bhujangsana is that while doing this asana, the body looks as if it is lifted by Bhujangas or snake fangs. This seat is to lift the upper part of the body from the waist up.

In this case, first the two legs should be kept straight and the chin should be kept on the ground and lying on its back. The palms of both hands should be placed on either side of the chest in such a way that the fingers are equal to the shoulders and the elbows are attached to the waist.

Then you have to try to lift the part above the chest and navel with the force of the waist without massing the hands. This position should be done for 40-60 seconds. Breathing must be kept normal.


The curvature of the spine in this seat is eliminated and the work of the waist, chest, back, spine, stomach is better.

3. Sagittarius

This yoga is done by bending like a bow, hence it is called Dhanurasana. Lie on your back at the beginning of this seat. Then bend your legs from both knees and bring the legs as far back as possible.

Then, with both hands, hold the legs firmly above the ankles and pull the legs as close to the head as possible. In this condition the chest, knees and thighs will come up from the floor but the lower abdomen will be stuck on the floor.

The vision will be tilted towards the front and the neck towards the back. Breathing must be kept normal.

However, those who are suffering from high or low blood pressure or are pregnant or have undergone an operation should not do this yoga.


It relieves liver problems, constipation, accumulation of fat in the abdomen and waist. This habit increases blood circulation throughout the body, helps to make the spine flexible, relieves hunchbacks, and helps to increase chest circumference.

4. Respiration

This asana is called shabasana as one has to lie down silently like a corpse or a corpse.

First, the legs should be straight and the body should be relaxed and lying down. The legs must be on both sides of the body in a long, long way. Breathing will remain normal.

You have to lie down in such a way that you do not have any thoughts in your mind. It is not possible to breathe upside down. This yoga is done at the end of almost all yoga.


Breathing is a habit that helps the body to bring back new energy by eliminating all the fatigue, exhaustion, agitation, insomnia etc.

5. Vajrasana

In this case, the legs should be bent backwards and the ankles should be slightly apart. Keep the spine straight and keep both hands straight on both thighs. Breathing should be kept normal. Yoga is very effective in your physical and mental well-being.


Those who are suffering from stomach ailments can do this asana. It helps to cure stomach ailments like heartburn, indigestion, constipation etc.

6. Easy pranayan

The part that plays a major role in our breathing is the lungs. However, less than half of the lung capacity is used.

And the main purpose of Pranayan is to increase the supply of oxygen to the body by using the whole part of the lungs.

In this case, first of all you have to sit comfortably in any seat and keep your spine straight and take deep breaths. When you realize you can no longer breathe, exhale slowly. However, in this case, you will breathe out for as long as you breathe.


Helps to increase oxygen supply by increasing lung function. This habit is good for colds, coughs and asthma.

Some warnings about yoga

If you do not do yoga in the right way, the chances of harm are more than the benefits. In yoga, you must adhere to certain things.

Let's take a look at those warnings;

1. It is never right to have more than 7/8 seats at a time. One must rest in breathing as needed after a sitting or mudra practice. Yoga can be done only after resting after any hard work or exercise.

2. It is recommended to practice sitting on something soft such as a blanket, pad or thin mattress. It is better not to practice on hard soil or paved floor as there is a possibility of injury.

Seats must be done in an environment where adequate amount of light and air enters. Yoga can not be done in a closed room without light and air.

3. Tight clothing should not be worn during seat practice which may interfere with blood circulation.

4. There are no seats that your body cannot take. Choose seats according to your body's ability.

5. You should not talk or be inattentive while sitting. Because, the key to yoga is to concentrate the mind with the body.

6. It is better to keep it off during menstruation. However, if you want to do it alone, you can meditate and breathe.

Again, if someone wants to do yoga during pregnancy, you can do the yoga that is suitable for you with the advice of a doctor first.

7. It is better not to do yoga on a completely full or completely empty stomach.

Last word

Yoga is not comparable to physical and mental well-being. On the one hand it gives peace of mind, on the other hand it brings an end to various diseases.

Yoga should be made an essential part of our daily life, just like eating and bathing.

We have highlighted here some very useful and easy yoga methods. You can add them to your daily routine if you want.

What yoga practice do you do? But don't forget to let us know in the comment box!

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