What are some really good habits?

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3 years ago

Don't impose your opinion on anyone else. This is more important than having an opinion.

Do not compare yourself with anyone else. If you constantly compare yourself negatively with others, satisfaction will remain elusive.

Making good reading habits. There is no better companion in this world than a book. So the habit of reading books never disappoints anyone.

Don't waste time. There is no more valuable asset than time. So proper management of time is required.

Writing daily diaries and daily plans. This makes it easier to take advantage of time.

Eat nutritious food. Health is an asset. So it is recommended to take care of your body by eating healthy food.

Brush your teeth properly twice a day as advised by the dentist. There are many who do not pay attention to this case. But it is very important to take care of the teeth.

Maintain cleanliness in personal matters. If you are aware of your own cleanliness, then the personality will become attractive.

Be aware of environmental protection. The responsibility to protect the environment in this age is undeniable. So with the next generation in mind, we have to try to control and eliminate pollution.

If you see injustice, protest like yourself. Doing wrong and tolerating wrongdoing are two equal crimes. So it is obligatory to protest if you see injustice.

Don't insult anyone else with weight, or skin color. Every man is as beautiful as his own, weight and skin color can never be a tool to insult any man.

Standing next to older people. It is the duty of the new generation towards the senior people to stand by them and help them according to their time and ability.

Not to take the place of any senior citizen in the vehicle at a young age, but if possible, let the senior citizen sit in his place.

Never harass anyone. Harassment is a legally punishable offense, so no one should be insulted or harassed by using power, gender, or religion as a tool.

Taking care of mental health. Health means not only physical health but also mental health. So one should never be indifferent towards mental health.

Not knowing anything, not judging the lives of others. Before saying anything about others, it is important to know everything about them. So the practice of judging someone without knowing anything is reprehensible.

And at the end of it all, correct your own faults. Before judging or criticizing the faults of others, one should correct one's own faults.

The above habits are really hard to create. As human beings, none of us are above error. We all make these mistakes at one time or another, or still do.

*Those who hope for a better life, they must first become better people*

We humans are endowed with infinite intelligence. So with that in mind and empathy, it is clear that changing one's bad habits is difficult, but not impossible. And there is no shame or humiliation in trying to change this. There is only pride and arrogance.

So it is not bad to try to develop these habits to develop your best form!

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3 years ago
