Motherhood: Love vs. Repentance

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3 years ago


Am I the bad mother !?

The child is not sleeping, not eating, crying - isn't it my failure? Why am I suddenly getting angry lately !? Why not ask, sometimes the child is in a bad mood !? Why can't I manage my career and home like before !? I do not love my child !? Am I a selfish, failed, bad mother?

These questions come up again and again in the life of almost every mother. Sometimes these thoughts come from their own brains, sometimes from the family and society! Waking up at night, the blackness of the eyes, the unrecognized hard work of the day and the carelessness of one's own love for one's loved one, often turns into remorse, many times we do not even understand ourselves!

There are two main causes and consequences of postpartum depression - feelings of remorse. Don't question yourself - if you keep blaming yourself all the time; Think only of the child; The child alone wants to do everything; So is it possible for you to be mentally good at all? A little man will come into your life, and nothing will change in your life - how realistic is that thought? Isn't this feeling of remorse hurting your child?

You may be wrong, so you are not guilty. Your child may cry for no reason, you are never responsible for everything! Even after becoming a mother, you can spend half an hour a day alone, it will keep you mentally well, which will indirectly make your child feel good. Undoubtedly your love for the child is unquestionable! As a 'mother' you are the best for her!

Motherhood will bring you many problems, and motherhood will give you courage and inspiration to deal with that problem!

🌹Mother, you are the greatest blessing given by Allah to your child...🤗💖

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3 years ago
