Stay warm and positive!
Many things are going on in our business world today is that demands highly for our attention. Someone in the family who is looking up on to us demands of us help and we begin to worry about it. Sometimes we wait and after a while when there is no changes, we become panic and we worry in so many times directly or indirectly and it will stand as a burden in our mind.
Sometimes, we let go but that is only few instances, there are not so many things we can be quiet about in our businesses and in our relationship. So, we worry about many things when there is any change that we consider as aberration in our lives and business. The advancement of the thought sometimes as we begin to think and meditate, gives us solution which is acceptable Because weha e considered many possible ways of solving our problems and concluded to take action.
Sometimes, when we think and consider some of our strategic management plans and none is applicable, the case becomes otherwise as we begin to see various unacceptable pictures from our mind.
Sometimes, we try to control ourselves but the thought has already taken over our minds beyond reasonable height. This makes no difference so many times and can even have negative effect on us because it can cause sickness such as high blood pressure.
Just take a decision and refuse to fear and worry about it, anything at all, whatsoever it could be, be it your business, your finance, your health. Do not fear because it creates a picture which kills your inner strength and weaken you from within.
So many times, in the past when the health sector have not started creating awareness that HIV does not kill but AIDS, so many people have committed suicide, kill themselves because of fear of HIV when they can still actually live gor many years.
Just imagine how many, the numbers of people that have killed themselves ahead of their time because of HIV. This is solely because of fear. They have visualised death and because of that it was difficult for them to live.
When such a situation like this arises or we are in a condition where strategies or strategic plans failed to produce any reasonable results, when our intellectual can only imagine pictures but can not produce something physical. It is better for us to visualize only a positively.
Even as people who have faith that we live life and God watches over us. It is good for us knowing that "Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that is at work in us. " - (Ephesians 3:20)
Stay positive!
Live positive!
Speak positive!
There is power at work in us and it renews our strength and energy, so we should be optimistic in all our conditions and there will be positive impact.
We must really stay positive and what I learned in your article is that even people have faith that we live and God watches over us.