Saturday left me with a great experience!

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2 years ago

Earlier before the last Saturday came, I always thought that it is always a good thing to rely on people with all the effort or trust that a human being could ever have. Though it is just a part of what I have to learn in life that no matter what we are doing in life, we should be cautious of who we walk along with,who we talk to and the one who we report out experience to.

There are some people who just want to hear what you have within you in order to work against you, there are some that are ready to take away your joy from you. Those people that never want others to ho far more than they have achieved and some people are duly there to mislead you by giving you a wrong advice which is contrary to whatever is good and can be considered as being acceptable in the sight of human.

Brief premise: The most troubling situation of things that people face in Nigeria are poverty and inequality, if these two situations can be taken care of strictly, things will begin to flourish in the country once again. However, poverty can not be taken care of totally in any way but can be suppressed to some notable extent.

A poor man is vulnerable because of the things that they are not supposed to come across. Emotional breakdown is one of the things that a poor man is exposed to naturally and here in Nigeria, a poor man can not be trusted to a high degree anymore because they become eager to get what others have and they haven't gotten.

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One of the incidents that happened of recent in Lagos state is a typical example of vulnerable youth of seventeen years old boy who ís eager to have money and have wealth for himself without having a tangible job which he was doing. Prior to what he has seen on the social platform he want to live large even though not all that there is on social media is true.

One strange thing that many people do not know about Africa is that there are several spiritual power that people use to manipulate things on their own way, however, it involves spilling the blood of human being. How would you rate this, it is strange right?

Real life story...

There was a young man of age seventeen (17) years old, he is a student and by the way he was not staying with his parent but left them for another state and was there struggling for survival by himself.

According to the Punch news paper, the young man invited his mother to the city where he stays and his mother was happy to receive the invitation from his son but he didn't know that there are some bad plans and motives that are associated with the invitation. She went without any form of fears or procastination and even spent almost the last of her money to buy a basket full of fruits to take to her son.

She got to the house and was admitted in just as a mother with a mind full of pretence and dangerous intentions which should not be trusted atant point in time.

Long story short, one night, the young man stabbed his mother in the chest at night in an attempt to kill her and use her body part as money ritual. This has become the most common thing to be heard of the youths these days in Nigeria. I pray that we will not be a prey to ritualist in Jesus name. Amen.

I would not want to post any raw pictures of such definitely but this is what weneed to be aware that our trust on people should reduce and we need to be security conscious at any time and anywhere we find ourselves.

Thank you for reading!

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Avatar for Success.1
2 years ago


Great teachings of life, thank you for this article.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're welcome

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I've been reading about that ritual in most Nigerian writer here, i just read one from a user who share the story of the a lady and the twk young boy, as the two young boys also killed a lady as they wanted to use it's head for the ritual. I found it actually very strange and scary, as how could young people become killers just for a ritual, it's an evil thing. Upon reading, it made me a realization that maybe their are being possess by satan.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

They have inherited wickedness and they have developed several strategies in winning people overf for their selfish gain. They are of their father.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The inhumanity in Africa has gone vast to humans knowledge.. brothers killing brothers, sisters been killed by the mother and the son, mother and father killing their children!!! .. God ! When did we get here?

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Long time ago, it started but didn't grow to this stage at once. It was a gradual increase until there is much of deterioration is been done weekly by such an unlawful act.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sadly, the security system is corrupt and give way to this happening

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Those who do this crime is out of their mind. I'm afraid that they will not ask forgiveness to God, it's a terrible sin.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Very terrible, but I can tell you that there are many of such crimes recorded monthly over here. We need the help of God to put a stop to it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Is that for real brother. How can a son do this to a mother? I can’t believe that this type of people are existing. May God help us and stay us on a right path.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

We are living in the world where almost everyone is a suspect, so terrible that all kinds of people exist in the world

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wish the next generation can do something better including us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Here we are without taking a step

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Poor mom for having inhuman son. This is why the bible said that trust no one, because even your blood related can be a traitor.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You're right, he is such a dangerous son and a traitor.

$ 0.00
2 years ago