Of contemporary: Peace and conflict.

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2 years ago

Just like we have left and right, so also we have peace and conflicts, they are directly opposite to each other. Comparing right and left is wrong to consider when talking about peace and conflicts. I believe that saying right and wrong will be the best to fill such a space. This is because right and left can be together in the same place at the same time without affecting each other. In some cases, we have ambidextrous, which is a person that can combine the right and the left.


Just like a line separating the two. (Peace and conflict)

On the contrary, peace can not take place where there is conflicts and the same way that conflict can not hold with peace simultaneously. There is always similarities, just like we cannot have a person who is right and that person in still wrong on the same issue at the same time. It is either yes or no, right or wrong, peace or conflict.

Peace can only take place in the absence of conflict and the other way round, you can only be right when you are not wrong. It is either accepted or rejected. That is how the Journey of a society works. To be factual, if we must talk about how society works, we must not overlook the basis on which society is made from, we must also afford ourselves to talk about individual that makes up a society.

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Peace and conflict takes it's iota form from a single individual and the way it works is tbat it starts from within the mind of an individual. If we want to consider this iota, we also need to consider both peace and conflicts altogether. To be mindful of it as an individual, we can find ourselves in a certain condition where we need to make decision about something.

A critical example: Let us consider a case of a man who dropped out of school because he could not pay tuition fee. He went ahead and started some menial jobs, which he did for five years. And after that he now have wealth for himself, but as we all know that human want is unsatisfiable. He will have to continue with life. Find a higher level of financial stability. He was having argument within him, weither to go back to school so that after graduating, he will be recommended for high paying jobs. Another premise was to continue with his work and over time he will make more money sufficient for all he will need.

It is the same for every human beings that our needs increases the more we grow from one facet of life to another one. One of the things that seems inevitable is having a new family. This includes having a wife, a husband and children, this also includes taking responsibilities too. That is why we all need more financial growth. This might seems to look like an interesting development but it requires some status changes too.

The only that that can bring peace when there is a condition like this, is to reach a conclusion as soon as possible, otherwise, the two thoughts will keep on conflicting within him. Thay could be of great disadvantage to him. Maybe ignoring those two thoughts would works as well. That's when there's another thought comes in like no one knows what tomorrow holds.

The same way it works in an organisation or a society where two individuals have contrary opinion about an issue. It depends on the head of the organisation or society to make the decision. The outcome of the decision is what makes peace or conflicts to occur. If the twi parties agree with the judgement of the ruler.

In making real life decisions, either about personal or societal. The two are always working along with each other and the outcome that we get is based on a determinant. The factor, which is our decision about the matter at hand.

This is just my opinion about peace and conflict and it's completely unique.

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$ 5.02
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2 years ago


The right or wrong perfectly make the match for peace and conflicts. Just right enough to be used

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Either sides depend fully on what’s happening and the current situation… there are issues that requires provocation although trying to stop a conflict… peace should always reign regardless of the situation..

$ 0.02
2 years ago

What ever the situation could be, it will not affect the leaders but the followers will be affected by the outcome.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

They might only be caught in the place of election.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I would always choose peace :) I don't want conflicts although, at times, I believe they can be beneficial because conflicts make us think better and to be better.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Sometimes we need conflict and it is after then that we can get peace.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Conflict, then reaching an agreement and then peace.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I learnt something from my lecturer on the course peace education. He says it is human's choice to choose from peace or war/conflicts. But for peace to reign, agreement must be sure.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's the truth dear friend. Once agreement is achieved, peace will be achieved as soon as possible.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Which one to choose? Well it depends on how you want the favour in your side I guess.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's true sir!

$ 0.00
2 years ago