Friday like no other!
Today being a good day,
I will like to write as much as
#################################28th January, 2022######## ###########################
Over the past few weeks now, I have been looking for job and it's somhow not working and all my efforts seems so ppint as though my efforts has not been so significant. Well, I have gotten another job opportunity which I have yo grab but with the information that I have gathered about the company, the procedure is that I must undergo a training procedure before getting the job and this is my first day experience of getting the job.
It's a lovely day over here and I hope that you guys are enjoying every moment of today, try to enjoy it and never leave any part of the day out without putting smiles on your face. It will help you a lot and even though it add to your beauty, it also makes you to feel more healthy.
Straight to the most important part of the article, it's just a normal rant about how my day is going over here. Today, being Friday is a unique day to me, since I will have enough time to enjoy the rest of the weekend with my friends. Early this morning I have to wake up very early in the morning because I have to go for work. I rushed out to get water because the shower we have is no more functioning again, the pipe is broken and it seems no one will fix it as soon as I think. So, I need to go oudt of the room as early as 5:00 AM o'clock to get myself water with which I will take my bath.
Even though, the weather seems so cold in the morning and seems so unbearable, yet I have to go because it is well amd many people will want to use water as well for their domestic use before going for work, otherwise the water from the well will become dirty and I won't be able to use it for many things. I got the water and rushed back in with ¾ water filled bucket.
Took my bath and prepared my breakfast. By the time I was through preparing the food, my cousin is already dressed and ready for work we ate sluggishly because the food was hot and left for training. We should have left without eating any food but I was sure that the training might t for the whole day, so, I must be well prepared so as not to be caught unaware... Smiles.
The training took a lot of time and at the end we are able to complete the training at about 17:00 HRS of the day. I was very tired and utterly famished at the same time, I just slept through out till at about 20:00 HRS of the day and then went out to get some junk food for myself. It's getting late already and I am being mindful of my belly lately so I can not do without eating at least twice daily. It's good to be back on here to say hi.
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The training was all about getting a new job for myself and that's why I have to dk it without considering how stressful it is. I will have to go again tomorrow which means I will not be having much time to rest other than tonight. Tomorrow, I will have to wake up as soon as possible otherwise I'm out of the training already.
Thank you for reading through the post, I have to rest now and take time to relax for tomorrow morning. Have a great time.
These are my recent posts
I love Fridays though I work on weekends too