I don't know if I am the only one noticing this but i think read.cash is beginning to fall apart. Firstly, most good and wonderful writers in read.cash barely write an article in read.cash. Writers such as Feebie, Monskin, and lots more. I miss them all and I think they have left read.cash. Secondly, I honestly see unnecessary articles everyday on read.cash and it is becoming much. Only a very few writers are writing educative and good articles in read.cash but most just write anything that is not necessary. Thirdly, I keep receiving error messages when i click on anything on read.cash. it feels like the developers of this platform has abandon it. The tips are very few. The whole place feels like it is turning into a ghost town because the good writers are getting fewer by the day. I also thought read.cash is a writing platform not a Contest zone. Why does everyone want to organize contest everyday all of a sudden?
This is just my thoughts though. Read.cash isnt the same as it was last few months. I think the developers of this platform should do something fast else read.cash will end up like the others.
I feel you... Readcash is flooded with so much unneccesRy articles and short posts... But don't worry, there are still other good writers here in readcash. Its just we need to find them. Maybe other authors are now busy. Maybe they are getting back to normal in their place that's why they don't have much time in readcash.
Quality vs Quantity. They made the community system to get rid of the garbage, but it seems that the trash infested the community system as well.