Confessions of when I was a kid

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3 years ago

It's commonly said that "You are a combination of five people around you". As a child, my parents were always busy and the only company I had were my books and all the Television shows.

My favorite was- C.I.D (Crime Investigation Department), the longest-running show on Indian television. I learned all kinds of nonsense from it.

It's said that children are malleable, they can be easily influenced by the things they observe happening around them. I was no exception. I was a weird kid, I still am :)

This is my submission for @bmjc98 's "Getting To Know You More Challenge: When I Was A Kid".

This will hopefully give you an insight into how I came to be the way I am today.

1. When I was a kid, I almost burned down my house

Kids learn what they see. Every winter, I watched the night guards would put up a fire to keep them hot during the night. I wanted to imitate; it looked cozy. My brother knew how to light matches and I had some old books that I didn't need.

Every evening my brother and I would start a fire in our room. Mom used to be busy with all the housework so she never noticed. We used to clean up well. To this day, my parents have no idea.

2. When I was a kid, I stole money

My parents would fight a lot. Their fights were brutal and almost scarred me for life. As I kid who had watched lots of melodramatic shows on TV, I wanted to be prepared. If the time should come, I wanted to live with my mother. But she's a homemaker with no source of income. I used to sneak money from my Dad's wallet and put it into my Mum's purse. I don't know what happened to that money, but my parents are still together.

3. When I was a kid, I fed my brother a flower

Ayurveda is the study of plants and medicines.

Once, I accidentally pushed and hurt my brother while playing. It left a small scar. I told him, "I know Ayurveda, eat this flower and you'll be fine", I said as I plucked my favorite white-yellow flower.

"A sacrifice of flower shall be made", I said as I fed him the flower.

4. When I was a kid, I glued my bully's art supplies

We used to have crocket projects in school and we were required to bring wool and all the required materials.

'A' used to push me, steal my pencils, and even yell at me! My friend 'N' saw this. When 'A' went to the loo, 'N' picked my hand and took me to 'A''s bench. Her purple-colored wool was sitting there with no attention. We put emptied our PVA glue bottles all over her supplies and quickly ran to our benches.

When she came back, she suspected it was us, someone had tipped her off. She complained to the teacher, but the teacher said, "You must've left your glue bottle open, don't blame them, they're good students".

That's how 'N' and I came to be friends, we are still connected even after 16-17 years!

5. When I was a kid, I smeared lipstick all over my body

I don't remember much about this incident, I was too young, but there's a picture of me covered in my Aunt's red lipstick. I don't know why I did that, maybe I thought Lipstick was supposed to be put all over the body like a self-tan. To this date, I can't wear lipstick or any makeup. It gives me anxiety.

6. When I was a kid, I used to throw stuff from the window

As a naughty child as I was, I was always grounded, and there was only one way to escape. I used to 'accidentally' throw pencils or erasers from my window and ask permission from my Mum if I could go down and bring it back. She always said yes to get me off her nose. I used to go down to roam around the society and come back at night. My Mum was not really worried because we live in a gated society and everyone knew us.

7. When I was a kid, I was molested

I was molested by a relative who had come to live with us. I'm not sure if I'm ready to talk about it. My parents have no idea, still.

8. When I was a kid, I tasted a Facewash

It was a raspberry-flavored facewash and I thought the scent was coming from real raspberries. It smelled like heaven and I really wanted to know what raspberries tasted like.

Conclusion- It was yucky and I couldn't *thankfully* even swallow it.

9. When I was a kid, I was an outstanding student

My books showed many 'Very Good' remarks from my teachers on some of my assignments. I was an excellent student, my grades reflected well. As a student, I had that passion or fire in me. I always thought that if I did well in school, I'll be successful in life.

Now, as a grown-up, I failed some of my exams; I don't know if I'm that determined kid as I was before. I wish I could do better in my exams. Maybe the fire is just flickering? Or maybe I'm not focused? If I could do it then, maybe, just maybe, if I try a little harder, I can do it now too.

10. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a travel blogger

I travel a lot, and I enjoy writing about my experiences too. Growing up, I used to watch shows about travelers and traveling. I'm so blessed to be on this platform where I can write all about my travel experiences. It's a shame that I'm not a World Class travel blogger yet. I wish to be paid to travel, that's the dream.

This almost feels like a confession post. I was a naughty kid and gave my parents a hard time. I was twisted beyond recognition. I feel so much lighter after getting this off my chest.

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$ 3.30 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.20 from @bmjc98
$ 0.05 from @LucyStephanie
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Written by
3 years ago


  1. When I was a kid, I almost burned down my house

I wonder what she will say now about that :D

  1. When I was a kid, I stole money

It seems it takes a child's financial innocence to keep a family together.

  1. When I was a kid, I fed my brother a flower

Did he feel better after that? :D

  1. When I was a kid, I glued my bully's art supplies


  1. When I was a kid, I used to throw stuff from the window

Lol! Smart :)

  1. When I was a kid, I was molested

Oh no. I was enjoying your post but this just made me feel bad. It's the unreported incidents that's more depressing.

  1. When I was a kid, I tasted a Facewash

You are one little curious thing.

  1. When I was a kid, I was an outstanding student

I'm sure you can do it now.

  1. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a travel blogger

I hope you will achieve your dream. Praying that this pandemic will be over so you can pursue that.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

I'm glad you enjoyed reading :) Thanks for dropping by! It's so wonderful that you took time to say something nice for each point :)!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahaha that kind of stealing was funny. At least you didn't really steal it but you put it in your mom's wallet. Hahaha. Good job! I also like that you are still friends with the one against the bully. It's great to have a lifelong friend.

I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you with a relative. I hope you feel better soon. That kind of person should go to jail! Tsk!

$ 0.05
3 years ago

I'm loving this platform so much! At first I was afraid to post here, and mostly I was set in my ways and friends on noise even though I've only been there a month. You guys are so cool!

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Yeah I should have started earlier but it's ok. Haha. We're all here now.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

better late than never :) (I'm talking about me hehe)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

True. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi stea! Atlast I've read your work. I am sorry for your bad experiences. I hope you'll be healed. Good thing that your family is still intact. Aren't they quarelling as often as before?

I was a naughty kid back then hahaha. We've got some similarities, stea. I would like to be a writer in the future and i hope you'll be a great travel blogger too❤best of luck! Keep your heart burning with your passion.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi Amazing World! Thank you for reading :).

They fight, but now mostly their fights are regarding smaller matters, mostly fights that would happen between a married couple. Not as harsh as before.

I hope we both become famous writers :D

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sorry to hear about your past. No kids should ever experience that. Honestly, when I was around 5 or 6, I used to live with my grandparents. Far, far away from my parents. The eldest cousin on my maternal side was there too. Well, he was mentally ill but he was okay. Then there were incidents that I would up from a nap that my cousin was on top of me. Though I wasn't sure if there was really something that happened between us, or maybe he was just on top without doing anything. I don't know. I never told anyone about this.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm so sorry to hear that this happened. Honestly, I have not met any woman who haven't gone through anything like these incidents. I hope that it changes in the future. Mine, it was a repeated thing; it kept happening. This was the first time I'm writing about it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

sorry to hear that po. I have a cousin who's mentally ill too. I hope he won't arrive to such extent.

$ 0.00
3 years ago