I Really Have To Repair My Phone...

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Avatar for Stanley_Clark1
2 years ago

March 6, 2022. The weather is very gloomy.

Things, have durability and its lifespan. It needs to be repaired or replaced with new ones.

I have a Huawei phone, bought in April 2019, after graduated in elementary, my family's expenses and the profit after selling 6 goats I took care used just to buy my 3rd phone.

Very unique and big phone. Like wow. Never touched this kind of phone yet. (Phone's description)

It met my personal condition when buying a new phone, big memory, big storage, and the screen's ratio. And personally, I like using new phones from different companies/brands.

So that's why choosing this Huawei phone is a go.

And boy, it's tough. No matter how much accidents happen, the screen didn't got any cracks.

Performance, err, normal but when it comes to hefty games, it has lag spikes which is a dowmside, but I don't seem to have much problem when there's enough storage to use.

I'm being using it for almost 3 years, it's still operational, but, two things I needed to fix.

And this really kept my insanity high when using it.

Unresponsive Screen

February 2021

While playing Chess on my phone, I needed to cook some rice for breakfast, so I put my phone on the table, which I didn't know, it was wet.

And just I took my phone back, the phone is wet. I freaked out! So I wiped the wet parts, and when I just turned on the music, the phone's speaker, is muffled! I thought, maybe it was just the music, so I skipped the current one and played another, but same happened.

It came up to my mind, that the water is inside the phone! Omg. No. No. No.

So, I searched in Google a way to clean the speaker, and I downloaded an app called Speaker Cleaner.

I only used it once, and now it wasn't muffled.

But, things kinda get weird after that incident.

While scrolling in Youtube finding a video I wanna watch, I find out that, the middle part of the screen, don't respond.

And, I think, eh, maybe my phone is just lagging, I'll just restart it. So I did, and it was gone.

The since my staminas in Arcaea is recharged, I then played it.

Then I got lost after multiple arcs and tap notes didn't go in to my touches. And the middle part became unresponsive. Weird. I could have sworn it wasn't there after restarting.

And then I restarted it again, and now...

Ghost Touches

The phone, actually got a little bit "control" on its own.

It scrolls down and up, swipes left to right. And taps on apps in my main menu.

I was so scared that this phone, acts weird.

I tried restarting everytime. And it disappeared, but left with permanent unresponsive screen.

What should I do? Is this gonna be the 3rd phone to be broken, with the same problem as my first phone, but without cracks and random touches.

At Unexpected Times, the Problem Get Larger and Worse!

In some times, it disappears, then reappears.

And while searching related to my studies, oh boy. Here it goes again.

Tap, swipe, uncontrollable! Ghost touch every time! I restarted it, and it disappeared, but the unresponsive screen, increase its affected area, by the width of my index finger! Now what, this can't be good.

And after a while, ghost touches didn't appear as well as increasing permanent screen damage.

There's no cracks on the main touchscreen, or even a broken pixel. What is this?

And the situation got worse and worse, until there's nothing left for me to use on the button part of the screen when December 2021 came... How will gonna use this phone with this condition!?!

Situation with Temporary yet Helpful Solution

As I don't have any money and only rely to my parents that time, I need to find a way to use my phone, even with this conditions...

Until, I found 2 apps I could use to operate my phone.

Trackpad: big phone mouse

Notice a "mouse logo" on the right side of the screen, that's actually the app.

This app serves like a virtual computer mouse. With an ability to tap, drag, or hold items like how we operate our phone, this helps me reach the part of the screen to able to interact, which is a big help.

Only downside is that, it crashes when the phone is laggy, opened a browser and entered a tab with many elements, or video playback is big. And I have to manually disable and re-enable its accessibility service, which is required to make the app work.

But, overall, a great life-saver app, just don't bring it to the unresponsive parts of your phone screen when the mouse logo is not in lock mode.

Assistive Touch

Like iOS "Assistant Touch", it can control your navigation keys and do more like locking your phone, volume up and down, and 3 navigation keys "back, home, and recent apps".

My phone's navigation keys are affected, which not allows me to go back, go to home screen, or choose the recently opened apps, and this app helps me alot.

It does have charge assistant, which is like 360 security app when charging your phone and it gives you info on what's your phone's temperature, battery percentage, and somewhat like it will tell you how much watts it uses while charging your phone.

Overall, another good app. It does gives me iPhone vibes, but without an iPhone.

These 2 apps are free to use, but, here's a thing.

Sometimes, using Assistive Touch's Charging Mode and while connecting to the internet, it gives you ads, but it doesn't really annoy me, unless if I accidentally went to its settings, which is boy, ads.

And Trackpad has ad-free touches, which is while using the app, no banner ads will block the interface, and if you have no more ad-free touches, you have to either rate the app (used once/1500 touches as reward), watch an ad (can become used everytime (1500 touches/ad, incredibly small reward ad countdown), or buy the ad (no ads, unlimited ad-free touches).

In my own understanding, ad exist to help devs to earn without in-app purchases.

But, all of these are temporary, won't resolve the entire problem.

As of now, I'm planning to finally repair this phone, because it loses feedback sometimes when I touch. And whenever the phone overheats, the ghost touches will act like crazy.

I can't and never reset my phone, since all my notes can't back up to cloud or any external storage, my accounts are authenticated in this phone, and seed words I have in some wallets are all in my clipboard. Which I can't allow to lose.

I'm currently saving for money to able to check this phone up and repair it.

As of now, in my piggy bank, I have $3+, and my read.cash wallet have $9 in average. And my father said that the estimated price to repair a phone is around $15, got a long way to go.

Here's the proof where my phone goes bonkers, or crazy.

While typing in my Discord App, the ghost touch annoys me by controlling the navigation bar, which will not only interfere what I'm doing, but lags the phone itself. (GIF is compressed to upload it in here)

Anyways, I'm planning that got the money before March 14, because I wanna participate on an anniversary even in a game, plus it can help me do more articles than usual cuz I feel uncomfortable with the floating keyboard now, and to remove the ghost touches for good.

And if I'm planning to buy a new phone soon, I can gift this to my sister in good condition.

Anyways thanks for reading!


$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @Micontingsabit
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Avatar for Stanley_Clark1
2 years ago


We have the same condition in our mobile phones. This phone was bought last 2019. I really beed to replace this one but don't have enough money.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's literally bad to have a phone we kept are broken and we still don't have funds to repair or replace the phone...

$ 0.00
2 years ago