Introduction to me - SpiritWalker

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3 years ago

Where to begin, explaining everything about yourself is trying to explain both spoken and unspoken concepts.

I am 26, consider myself a spiritualist, but not religious. I love digging into the mysteries of life, science, reading, writing, travel where health permits, meditation, spiritual work, electronics etc. I also love gaming, especially chess, though I could do with getting my Lichess rating above 1350.

I am Autistic, so sensory perception is amplified many fold. I can often feel what others do, and find the world sometimes akin to having a TV up very loud. Thus I practice meditation. I love nature and quiet. I would say I am a cross between introvert and extroverted.

At the age of 14, I started exploring spirituality after an out-of-body experience told me it was not my time to leave yet and to return and live life. I have had many experiences that science cannot fully explain, even down to specific predictions in dreams too vivid and detailed with specifics to pass off as random 'chance'.

All of these experiences, which I will likely write about over time, have taught me that we are here because we are all part of one infinite universe, that seeks to know itself. Love/Compassion is something you can refine to add to your spiritual potential; there is no right/wrong life path. All paths lead back to oneness, in the end.

I love science, taking things to bits, seeing nature, seeing different cultures outside of tourist areas. In 2016 I made some Nepali friends who in 2017, I packed my bags and stayed with them for a month. It was difficult due to health issues; I have CFS/ME. Fatigue is a big part of my life that comes and goes.

My partner and I work in social care, looking after the Elderly. We continued this throughout the pandemic, though from September - January, I was mostly bedridden due to a flare-up of CFS/ME symptoms. Most of our work consisted of looking after those with dementia/challenging behaviour. I could write an entire post on this, how empathy can make a night/day difference to their lives. As you may guess from this post's timing, I do night shifts now, and I am burning the midnight oils.

I have fooled around with electronics, too. At the age of 8, I made a small AM transmitter. I have a hobby of retro items, even now I often use kerosene oil lamps, they are beautiful.

I love a good car boot sale, as does my husband, so that works out well.

Got into crypto years ago, though had to sell for a profit in 2016 due to health problems and income issues at the time, those small profits taken years ago did get me through a barren time and kept the lights on!

I look forward to writing content for you all.

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$ 0.05 from @lerkfrend
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3 years ago
