Call to prayer in mosques and church bells

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4 years ago

When I listen to the cult song Emina, I believe that the Serbian poet Aleksa Santic loved the girl Emina very much. Unhappy love.

authentic photo of Emina

Aleksa Santic died of tuberculosis in Mostar on February 2, 1924. When it was heard about his death, "Mostar was all black." All shops were closed, and the people headed towards Ćorović's house, to pay their last respects to "the greatest poet in heart and soul".

As the procession passed through the city, the call to prayer in the mosques and church bells were heard!

At the Port Bridge in Mostar stands a monument to Emina Sefić-Koluder, a girl who is said to have been the poet's real inspiration for writing the poem. Emina Sefić-Koluder was born in 1884 to a Bosniak family in Mostar, and Aleksa Šantić was her family's first neighbor.


Last night, returning from the warm hamam

I passed by the garden of the old Imam

And lo, in the garden, in the shade of a jasmine,

There with a pitcher in her hand stood Emina.

What beauty! By iman I could swear,

She would not be ashamed if she were at the sultan’s!

And the way she walks and her shoulders move...

-- Not even an Imam’s amulet could help me!

I offered her salaam, but by my din,

Beautiful Emina would not even hear it.

Instead, scooping water in her silver pitcher,

Around the garden she went to water the roses.

A wind blew from the branches down her lovely shoulders

Unraveling those thick braids of hers.

Her hair gave off a scent of blue hyacinths,

Making me giddy and confused!

I nearly stumbled, I swear by my faith,

But beautiful Emina did not come to me.

She only gave me a frowning look,

Not caring, the naughty one, that I am crazy for her!

The old poet has died, Emina has died

The empty garden of jasmine was left behind

The pitcher is broken

The flowers have withered

The song about Emina, will never die.

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4 years ago


Ovu pesmu sam doooobro zapamtila,ucili smo je u prvoj godini srednje.Santiceve pesme su predobre,emotivne,dok ih citas,slusas,kao da si vec u tom vremenu.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ovu autentičnu fotografiju Šantićeve Emine sam uzeo i ubacio u mostarsku grupu na Facebooku. Nadam se da nije fejk, predstavlja pravi raritet i blago.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nadam se i ja ,pronasla je juce.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Kakva pesma, kakav Himzo, neverovatno...Slusajuci ovo nekako mi se pred ocima oslikavaju slike tih vremena.... Ma samo mogu reci, Bravo za ovaj post...Bravo..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Emina je bila prelepa devojka. Imao je smeka taj Aleksa Santic. Hehe

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4 years ago

I Opet Mi Duša Sve O Tebi Sanja

I opet mi duša sve o tebi sanja,

i kida se srce i za tobom gine,

a nevjera tvoja daleko se sklanja,

kao tavni oblak kad sa neba mine.

I opet si meni čista, sjajna, vedra,

iz prizraka tvoga blaženstva me griju,

pa bih opet tebi panuo na njedra

i gledô ti oči što se slatko smiju.

Tako vita jela koju munja zgodi

još u nebo gleda i života čeka,

i ne misli: nebo da oblake vodi

iz kojih će nova zagrmiti jeka... poslusaj ovo

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Slusam je upravo, predivne reci u interpretaciji Dragana Stojnica.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hvala ti, Snezana. Muzika za dusu... idem da je poslusam.

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4 years ago

Predivan clanak i jos predivnija pesma. Emina je vrhunska ljubavna pesma maestralnog Alekse Santica koja ce se pamtiti jos mnogo godina.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sve razmisljala da li da postavim izvodjenje Ibrice Jusica ,Amire Medunjanin ali ipak stara sevdalinka Himza Polovine je najbolja.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

U potpunosti se slazem.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That's a nice post dear. Those pictures are really interesting

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes wonderful historical story and great photos, thank you very much.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You're welcome dear I love your post anyways

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing this fact... got to know something new....🙂

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing this fact... got to know something new....

Yes, it is a wonderful sevdalinka song written by a famous Serbian poet about his neighbor Emina.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Oh i see..

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4 years ago

Aleksa Šantić (Mostar, 27. maj 1868. – Mostar, 2. februar 1924) je bio srpski pesnik i akademik.

Rođen je u Mostaru, od oca Rista i majke Mare, gde je proveo većinu života. Otac mu je umro u ranom detinjstvu, pa je živeo u porodici strica Miha zvanog „Adža“. Imao je dva brata, Jeftana i Jakova, i jednu sestru Persu, dok mu je druga sestra, Zorica, umrla još kao beba. Pošto je živeo u trgovačkoj porodici, ukućani nisu imali dovoljno razumevanja za njegov talenat. Završio je trgovačku školu u Trstu i Ljubljani, potom se vratio u Mostar. Iz Trsta se vratio u Mostar 1883. godine i tu zatekao „neobično mrtvilo“, koje je bilo posledica „nedavnog ugušenog hercegovačkog ustanka protiv Austrije“, kako piše o njemu Vladimir Ćorović.[1] Bio je „prvo vreme prilično povučen“, vodio knjige u očevoj trgovini i čitao „listove i knjige do kojih je mogao u Mostaru doći“. Nekoliko godina kasnije započeo je svoj književni i društveni rad.

Najveća dela stvarao je krajem 19. i početkom 20. veka. Uzori su mu bili srpski pisci Vojislav Ilić i Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, a od stranih je najviše poštovao Hajnriha Hajnea. U njegovim pesmama ima emocionalnog bola, rodoljublja, ljubavne čežnje i prkosa za nacionalno i socijalno ugrožen srpski narod.

  1. postao je saradnik „Goluba“, zatim „Bosanske vile“, „Nove Zete“, „Javora“, „Otadžbine.“ Bio je 1888. osnivač i predsednik Srpskog pevačkog društva „Gusle“, koje uzima za program negovanje pesme i razvijanje nacionalne svesti. Zatim je izabran za prvog potpredsednika mostarskog pododbora „Prosvete“. Godine 1896. kada je pokrenuta „Zora“ bio je jedan od njenih prvih urednika.

  2. otišao je u Ženevu, ali je tamo jedva „izdržao tri nedelje; u naivnoj pesmi „Ja ne mogu ovde“ on je prostosrdačno zavapio kako ne može da podnese tuđinu“. 1907. Mostar ga je izabrao „kao jednog od svoja četiri predstavnika“ za prvu skupštinu Narodne organizacije. 1908. je „počeo da ozbiljno poboljevati, najpre od kamena u bubrezima, a posle, iza Svetskog rata, od toboparalize.“ „Za vreme aneksione krize bio je, sa Svetozarom Ćorovićem i Nikolom Kašikovićem, prebegao u Italiju i stavio se na raspoloženje srpskoj vladi, kao što će to ponoviti i 1912. godine, na početku Balkanskog rata“

U toku Prvog svetskog rata zatvoren je kao talac i „u dva puta ponavljanoj parnici“ optuživan zbog svojih pesama. Po završetku rata izabran je u Mostaru za člana Srpskog odbora.

Za vreme njegovog života književna kritika je istakla dva „osnovna i jaka“ osećanja u njegovoj poeziji. Prvo osećanje je „žarka ljubav prema svome narodu“. Od početka to osećanje javlja se, uglavnom, u tri vida: kao ponos junačkom prošloću, kao protest protiv mučne sadašnjosti i kao vera u bolju budućnost do koje će se doći kroz borbu i pobedu koja će predstavljati vaskrsnulu prošlost.

Protest protiv mučne sadašnjosti, kao jedan od vidova u kojima se izražava rodoljubivo osećanje, nalazi se često u Šantićevim pesmama. Jedna od njih je ukazivanje na tešku narodnu bedu prouzrokovanu neprijateljskim pljačkanjem – kao, na primer, u pesmi „O, klasje moje“ iz 1910. godine:

Svu muku tvoju, napor crna roba poješće silni pri gozbi i piru, a tebi samo, ko psu u sindžiru, baciće mrve… O, sram i grdoba!

Drugi iskaz protesta je optuživanje „obeščašćenog i kukavnog doba“. To optuživanje odmereno je prema junačkoj prošlosti i prema zahtevima budućnosti koja je takođe određena junačkom prošlošću. U tom duhu je, na primer, pesma iz 1908. godine koja počinje stihom „Obeščašćeno i kukavno doba“.

Tokom života je objavio veliki broj pesama, a od dela se izdvajaju: „Hasanaginica“, „Na starim ognjištima“, „Anđelija“, „Nemanja“ i „Pod maglom“. Najpoznatije njegove pesme su: „Emina“ (1903), „Ne vjeruj“ (1905), „Ostajte ovdje“ (1896), „Pretprazničko veče“ (1910), „Što te nema?“ (1897), „Veče na školju“ (1904), „O klasje moje“ (1910), „Moja otadžbina“ (1908).

Izabran je za dopisnog člana Srpske kraljevske akademije 3. februara 1914.

Umro je od tuberkoloze u Mostaru 2. februara 1924.

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4 years ago

Aleksa Santic (Mostar, May 27, 1868 - Mostar, February 2, 1924) was a Serbian poet and academic.

He was born in Mostar, to father Risto and mother Mara, where he spent most of his life. His father died in early childhood, so he lived in the family of his uncle Miha called "Adža". He had two brothers, Jeftan and Jakov, and one sister Persa, while his other sister, Zorica, died as a baby. Since he lived in a trading family, the family did not have enough understanding for his talent. He finished trade school in Trieste and Ljubljana, then returned to Mostar. He returned to Mostar from Trieste in 1883 and found an "unusual deadlock" there, which was a consequence of the "recent suppressed Herzegovinian uprising against Austria", as Vladimir Ćorović writes about him. [1] He was "quite withdrawn at first", kept books in his father's shop and read "papers and books he could find in Mostar". A few years later he began his literary and social work.

He created the greatest works at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. His role models were Serbian writers Vojislav Ilić and Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, and he respected Heinrich Heine the most among foreigners. In his songs, there is emotional pain, patriotism, love longing and defiance for the nationally and socially endangered Serbian people.

In 1887, he became an associate of "Golub", then "Bosanske vile", "Nova Zeta", "Javor", "Otadžbine". national consciousness. He was then elected the first vice president of the Mostar subcommittee "Prosveta". In 1896, when "Dawn" was launched, he was one of its first editors.

In 1902, he went to Geneva, but there he barely "lasted three weeks; in the naive song "I can't here", he simply cried out that he can't stand a stranger. " In 1907, Mostar elected him "as one of its four representatives" for the first assembly of the People's Organization. In 1908, he began to get seriously ill, first from kidney stones, and then, after World War II, from toboparalysis. government, as it will repeat in 1912, at the beginning of the Balkan War. "

During the First World War, he was imprisoned as a hostage and "in a repeated lawsuit" accused of his songs. After the end of the war, he was elected a member of the Serbian Board in Mostar.

During his lifetime, literary critics highlighted two "basic and strong" feelings in his poetry. The first feeling is "ardent love for one's people". From the beginning, this feeling appears mainly in three forms: as pride in the heroic past, as a protest against the painful present and as faith in a better future that will be achieved through struggle and victory that will represent the resurrected past.

Protest against the painful present, as one of the forms in which patriotic feelings are expressed, is often found in Santic's poems. One of them is an indication of the severe national misery caused by enemy plunder - as, for example, in the song "Oh, my ears" from 1910:

All your torment, the effort of black goods the strong will eat at feasts and feasts, and to you only, like a dog in a chain, they will throw crumbs… Oh, shame and ugliness!

Another protest is the accusation of a "disgraced and cowardly age". That accusation is measured according to the heroic past and according to the demands of the future, which is also determined by the heroic past. In that spirit is, for example, a song from 1908 that begins with the verse "Disgraced and cowardly age".

During his life, he published a large number of songs, and the following stand out: "Hasanaginica", "Na starim ognjištima", "Andjelija", "Nemanja" and "Pod maglom". His most famous songs are: "Emina" (1903), "Don't believe" (1905), "Stay here" (1896), "Pre-holiday evening" (1910), "What's wrong with you?" (1897), "Evening at school" "(1904)," Oh my ears "(1910)," My homeland "(1908).

He was elected a corresponding member of the Serbian Royal Academy on February 3, 1914.

He died of tuberculosis in Mostar on February 2, 1924.

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4 years ago

Jacooo hvala na kilometarskom komentaru o pesniku na dva jezika.

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4 years ago

Nema na cemu, racunam da je ovako mozda bolje da se i stranci malo upoznaju sa pesnikom.

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4 years ago

Jeste ali bas namerno nisam htela da davim i smaram sa biografijom jer je ovde akcenat na pesmi i na tome da je na njegovoj sahrani bio ceo grad i da su ezami u dzamijama i zvona u crkvama u isto vreme se cula.

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4 years ago

Eto davim ja, i nije mi problem da davim, a i drugi put cu hahahahahaha :D

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4 years ago

hahaha neka citaju samo ti pisi...hahaha

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4 years ago