Asterix has already beaten the coronavirus once

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4 years ago

Whenever it comes to a situation that affects the whole world, people somehow manage to find evidence that art has already "predicted" all that. The coronavirus is no exception, but in a sea of ​​speculation and "stretching of facts"; we cannot close our eyes to the facts.

One Asterix and Obelix adventure from 2017 unequivocally mentions the “coronavirus”. It is a comic "Asterix on the race through Italy", whose creators are Didier Conrad and Jean-Yves Ferry.

The plot of the comic is as follows: Given that many have criticized the condition of Roman roads, Senator Lactus Bifidus suggests holding a carriage race across the country, so that everyone can be convinced of the "excellence" of Italian roads. The invitation to the race is open to everyone who wants to participate.

Asterix and Obelix against Coronavirus

Meanwhile, in a small Gallic village, Obelix goes to a prophetess who predicts that he will be a top coachman. At the same moment, Obelix gave up his job with the menhirs and bought a carriage on credit, in order to join the race through Italy together with Asterix and Dogmatics.

In that race, they encounter various opponents, but we are especially interested in the representative of Rome, named Coronavirus. Coronavirus and Bacillus sit together in a carriage, until Coronavirus gives up because his partner cheated.

All this, of course, is the fruit of the comic book author's imagination. It is certainly not excluded that in the coming period we will discover more references that can bring various works from popular culture with the current world situation.

We should not take such things too seriously, but it is always interesting when we discover that art does not always imitate life, but that life often imitates art.

Jedna avantura Asteriksa i Obeliksa iz 2017. godine nedvosmisleno spominje "koronavirus". U pitanju je strip "Asteriks na trci kroz italiju", čiji su tvorci Didije Konrad i Žan-Iv Feri.

Radnja stripa je sledeća: S obzirom na to da su mnogi kritikovali stanje u kom se nalaze rimski putevi, senator Laktus Bifidus predlaže da se održi trka kočijama kroz čitavu zemlju, kako bi svi mogli da se uvere u "izvrsnost" italijanskih puteva. Poziv na trku otvoren je za sve koji žele da učestvuju.

Asteriks i Obeliks protiv Koronavirusa

U međuvremenu, u malom galskom selu, Obeliks odlazi kod proročice koja mu predviđa da će biti vrhunski kočijaš. Istog trenutka, Obeliks odustaje od svog posla sa menhirima i kupuje na kredit kočiju, kako bi se zajedno sa Asteriksom i Dogmatiksom priključio trci kroz Italiju.

U toj trci nailaze na razne protivnike, ali nama je posebno zanimljiv predstavnik Rima, po imenu Koronavirus. Koronavirus i Bacilus sede zajedno u kočiji, sve dok Koronavirus ne odustane zbog toga što je njegov partner varao.

Sve je ovo, naravno, plod mašte autora stripa. Svakako nije isključeno ni da ćemo u narednom periodu otkrivati još referenci koje mogu da dovedu razna dela iz popularne kulture sa trenutnom svetskom situacijom.

Ne bi trebalo da takve stvari prihvatamo suviše ozbiljno, ali uvek je zanimljivo kada otkrijemo da ne imitira umetnost uvek život, već da i život često imitira umetnost.


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4 years ago


Ništa neobično, Veterinarski fakultet u Sarajevu je imao certifikat testiranja na koronaviruse bar deset godina. Doduše na životinjama.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Zanimljiv clanak! Ipak se korona virus svuda nalazi, ne lazu nasi iz Kriznog staba kad to kazu, znaci cak i u stripovima😁

$ 0.00
4 years ago

ovaj nisam citao moracu da ga potrazim deluje mi bas obecavajuce, tema je odlicna i mogu samo da pokusam da zmislim kako su je sproveli u delo

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4 years ago

Ja hocu da ga narucim preko interneta ,nisa m ni ja citala.

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4 years ago

Volela samda citam Asteriksa i Obeliksa. Moje cerke su odrasle uz ove stripovem jer ih je moj muz kao i jos neke pasionirano skupjao. Za ovaj konkretan nisam cula, ali bih volela da ga procitam.

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4 years ago