Importance of Internet

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Avatar for Sneha67
4 years ago

We live in the age of the internet. Also, it has become an important part of our life that we can’t live without it. Besides, the internet is an invention of high-end science and modern technology. Apart from that, we are connected to internet 24×7. Also, we can send big and small messages and information faster than ever. In this essay on the Internet, we are going to discuss various things related to the internet.

Reach of Internet

It is very difficult to estimate the area that the internet cover. Also, every second million people remain connected to it with any problem or issue. Apart from that, just like all the things the internet also has some good and bad effect on the life of people. So the first thing which we have to do is learn about the good and bad effect of the internet.

Good effects of the internet mean all those things that the internet make possible. Also, these things make our life easier and safer.

Bad effects of the internet mean all those things that we can no longer do because of the internet. Also, these things cause trouble for oneself and others too.

You can access in any corner of the world. Also, it is very easy to use and manage. In today’s world, we cannot imagine our life without it.

From the time it first came into existence until now the internet has completed a long journey. Also, during this journey, the internet has adopted many things and became more user-friendly and interactive. Besides, every big and small things are available on internet and article or material that you require can be obtainable from internet.

The Internet can be used to do different things like you can learn, teach, research, write, share, receive, e-mail, explore, and surf the internet.

Because of internet, our lives have become more convenient as compared to the times when we don’t have internet. Earlier, we have to stand in queues to send mails (letters), for withdrawing or depositing money, to book tickets, etc. but after the dawn of the internet, all these things become quite easy. Also, we do not have to waste our precious time standing in queues.

Also, the internet has contributed a lot to the environment as much of the offices (government and private), school and colleges have become digital that saves countless paper.

Although, there is no doubt that the internet had made our life easier and convenient but we can’t leave the fact that it has caused many bigger problems in the past. And with the speed, we are becoming addict to it a day in will come when it will become our basic necessity.

By utilizing the internet, people are able to progress in almost all spheres of life. As it's a worldwide organization of the computer network, it can link people from all over and create communities. It's a great way of providing and accessing information and is available almost all over the world.

Gone are the days when the pen was the most important tool in this world; times have changed and now the internet rules the world. The internet offers a collection of important services and resources that are essential to daily living.

By utilizing the internet, people are able to progress in almost all spheres of life. As it’s a worldwide organization of the computer network, it can link people from all over and create communities. It’s a great way of providing and accessing information and is available almost all over the world. Being swift, easily available and cheap, it’s a great way of exchanging information across the globe, saving time in the process. You no longer have to waste time running for information – it’s available on your computer screens now, making the world small

Today, the internet is used for different purposes includin

Communication – The world has definitely become a smaller place with people from faraway places being able to communicate in real time and cheaply, all courtesy of the internet. Emails, video conferencing, social networking and chatting are some prime examples of live communications at no extra costs. You can even search for jobs online this wa

Education – Amazingly enough, the internet provides access to education too, with online distance learning courses becoming common these days. Online books and tutorials aside from reference materials on almost any topic in the world can be accessed this way. At a click, students can now access peer-reviewed research information on any topic thanks to the internet. Gaining information is so easy now that you don’t even need someone to teach yo

Transactions – No more standing in queues to pay bills. Just go online in the comfort of your home or office and you can make financial transactions to pay your bills at designated websites of most banks and enterprises

Online booking – You also don’t have to step out and stand in queues to book your train, bus or flight tickets – or go through agents who needs their own cuts too. Courtesy of the internet, all this is possible with the click of a mouse

Leisure – There are so many activities available on the net to help you unwind. You can watch movies, listen to songs, chat or play games or just surf the internet for latest updates on news and entertainmen

Shopping – Times have changed and now you can shop for almost anything sitting on your computer – and have it delivered to your doorstept.

The Internet is one of the powerful creations that offer people endless knowledge and entertainment. Today the Internet plays a critical role in many areas. There are multiple advantages of the Internet, below is given a list of benefits of the Internet.

Connectivity, communication, and sharing

In the past days, if you sent a letter or someone sent you, it could take days and sometimes even months to a reach letter at the destination. In modern times, you can send a letter or important information to anyone in the e-mail all over the world through the Internet. And, it often will be delivered to the destination in less than a minute.

You can also use other forms of communication, such as VOIP and chat, they also enable you to send any information instantly to anyone in the world. With the Internet, online forums also allow people to connect with each other where they can share common interests and talk about what they enjoy. Furthermore, you can share your ideas or views with anyone by making an online video call through applications like skype, line, etc.

Information, knowledge, and learning

The Internet allows people to learn information about any topic and offers an answer to any type of question, as it contains endless knowledge and information. Using a search engine like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and more, they all allow users to ask any question and find a web page with an answer about that question. You can also watch videos about any topic on sites like YouTube, which contain millions of videos of several topics. Also, you can learn online courses in many different subjects.

The Internet can help users to provide information almost every place in the world on the map with the help of GPS technology. You can find businesses in your area or the quickest route to your location. Although, today's search engines are most powerful to know the user's location and help offer the relevant searches for your area. Also, it can provide you the contact information or address of any showroom or other services man. For example, if you want to get the address of an electrician, you can search for an electrician and get a list of local electricians in your area with their address.

If you want to sell products and services or run a business, the Internet is the best place to sell goods. Because anyone can find and access your website all over the world with the help of the Internet. With online business, you are able to sell goods every day at all times as the Internet is always on and always available. Also, the Internet provides the advantage to promote your business online in the world through advertising. Additionally, there are several ways to earn money online by performing other online services.

Banking, bills, and shopping

If you want to view your bank balance without leaving your home, the Internet offers you the benefit to access your bank account to view the balance. Also, you can send money, pay bills electronically, or many other services can complete through the Internet.

Another advantage of the Internet is online shopping, which allows people to find products of interest and buy them without having to visit a store. You can compare prices between companies for any product through the Internet. Also, you can get help to make better purchasing decisions by online reviews, which describes what others think about a product.

With the help of an Internet connection, anyone can help fund projects and ideas that interest them or quickly donate to their favorite charity. Also, if you want to donate and looking for charity services, you can find many online services on the Internet that help make it easier to support their causes or help donate.


The Internet provides people to access endless entertainment. With the Internet, you can watch movies, videos, play games online, listen to music, etc. There are many sites available on the Internet, which contain different entertainment material like music, videos, and more. Also, you can watch online videos on a platform like YouTube. Furthermore, you can download any movies, videos, or other entertainment material via the Internet on devices like computers or mobile phones that can be played anytime without an Internet connection.

Work from home, collaboration, and access to a global workforce

The Internet offers people benefit to connect with others around the world. There are various online services that help you to communicate and work with other people all over the world. Also, it can make services and producing new products faster.

An Internet connection offers many people an option to create a virtual office by allowing them to work from home. Sometime, there could be a condition for any organization to allow their employees to work from home using their computer. In this condition, the Internet plays the most important role as it provides connectivity between all employees, through which they all can communicate and discuss with each other regarding any project.

For example, many offices needed their employees to work from home in the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak. To allow work from home can help organization owners to save money by not paying money rent for offices and also help for employees to save them time and money by eliminating the daily travel to and from work every day. Furthermore, if you are running a business and you want to hire employees, there are many online services that can give you access to people looking for a job in the world.

Internet of Things

The Internet makes smarter your device in your home and giving them access to the Internet. For instance, to control the heating and cooling in your home, the Nest thermostat can connect to the Internet. When devices have been connected to the Internet, they can be controlled remotely with the help of your smartphone or computer. The devices can become smarter and more efficient and help save time, money, and energy by connecting IoT (Internet of Things). The main benefit to connect devices to the Internet of Things is that if you are far from your home, you can control your device remotely.

Cloud computing and cloud storage

One of the biggest advantages of the Internet offers connectivity to your computer and Internet-enabled devices to connect with cloud services, such as cloud storage and cloud computing. A device can have access to more powerful computers to perform complex tasks with cloud computing whereas your business work on other tasks.

What are the advantages of the Internet

With cloud computing, you can access your data anywhere as cloud storage synchronizes data across any of your Internet-connected devices. It makes your data more secure because your files are stored in a professionally-maintained server. Therefore, if you are using a cloud storage backup service, you will not lose all your valuable data even if your home or office burned down.

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Avatar for Sneha67
4 years ago


Good and thanks to internet

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The internet has really solved so many problems especially for students. Now you don't need to start opening books to find an answer to something. All you need to do is just search for what you are looking for online and you will be provided with different answers. It's indeed so nice.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Some people go to work every day, sit in a stuffy office until the day is over and then go back home to rest and repeat the whole thing in the morning. On their jobs, they are most likely using the Internet, be it for actual work, or for browsing cat memes on the company time. At the same time, some people lie on their couches in their pyjamas with the laptops on their stomachs and also work thanks to the magic of Internet. Some jobs do not require physical presence in the work place, so why waste time and money on transportation, when you have the Internet at your mercy? Internet made browsing cat memes at work even more comfortable.....

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I really agree with you. There is no doubt that the internet is an essential in our everyday life. One of the reasons the internet is so important in education is because of the wealth of information it contains. Education is accessible now more than ever, thanks to the internet. Today, most people use the internet, primarily for communication. Thanks for sharing! Good day!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

People must go with the music be it slow or fast. Today with high technology we are running to keep up with the fast pace of life. All transaction must be complied immediately, business related activity must be quick, fast and easy and to be in synch, we became dependent on internet. If you use the traditional way of communicating and transacting you will be left behind. So, became dependent with our computers and our gadgets, to have an internet for a flash and swift activity. Internet has done good effect and advantageous in the business field. When there is good it has also a bad side of being dependent on internet. We have to be careful of hackers, hacking our accounts for their personal interest especially on financial aspects. Children became dependent no longer study since everything they want to search is available in the internet. How could they learn? I am not against on on-line study since children will be safe at home but, how could they develop their personality in dealing with people, to know each persons behavior, on how to associate with them, and to adjust each individual traits. Sometimes on line shopping instead of giving convenience, it gives hassles and pain on the head when the goods are defective or not the one you ordered. There are pros and cons of internet.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice article dear... thanks for sharing article dear..Good effects of the internet mean all those things that the internet make possible. Also, these things make our life easier and safer.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

absoultly agreed..internet is a need of this modren era..the time that we can face with the help of internet we can know about all the world with the help of internet.and just because of internet we can also communicate with all our friends thats belong to other country and with the help of advantages of internet we can solve too many problems...internet given us too much advantages

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4 years ago

please subscribe my channe.

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4 years ago

Subs done 💕

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4 years ago

Please subscribed me

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4 years ago

Please like back and subscribe

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4 years ago

I even cannot think without internet

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4 years ago

me too

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4 years ago

Good article. I subscribed u plz subscribe me

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4 years ago

awesome article I like it very much and keep it up my dear brother

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4 years ago

It is not possible for anyone to describe importance of Internet in a short paragraph. I just mention one thing that I am coming in this article without internet even it will not possible.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Exactly, every second million people remain connected to it with any problem or issue. Apart from that, just like all the things the internet also has some good and bad effect on the life of people.Visit mine pls:-

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nowadays we cannot Imagine our life without internet. It has brought the whole world under our control. It makes our live to easier. so,the importance of internet, we cannot deny in any way

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes.. without internet we cannot do anything in our daily life..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The world of the internet has make things easy and very fast as saving convince time we can as well overhaul the time and minutes bad people has use it very wrongly since it a way to organise so much crime has been the wary wat to do things now. One would just be careful.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Really helpful article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Internet has made the big world into a small village. We can collect news from worldwide just in few minutes. Today without internet the world could not run a moment. The internet has gave access to know the whole world. Me also using it now. Thanks For Sharing about it and plz support me too

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks , important for us

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow.. amazing writong dear.. very good article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Most important of interner in all peoples

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice photographe

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4 years ago


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4 years ago


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4 years ago