A Day of Boredom

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2 years ago

Have you experienced a time when you can't get yourself do something worthwhile? Like you don't know what to do or where to go. A feeling of listlessness.

Today, i swear is the most boring day of my life. Not that my life is always on jolly side, it's always been on the boring side, but today is the worst.

My day started just the way it always do. I get up my bed ( which I share with my daughter ), change my clothes, go out and buy something for breakfast and lunch too so I won't have to go out again later in the afternoon.

Walking on my way to the market.....which is several blocks away from our house, I passed by the same houses, plants, dogs, cats and people. Nothing new to see, all the same, I passed by the church and said a little prayer of thanks and continued walking again. Greeting people I know as I pass by them, glancing at the meat, fish and vegetables while thinking of what to buy for our lunch. I stopped at the meat shop, bought a kilo of chicken. Then I bought some barbeque marinade mix, calamansi and charcoal. I'm gonna grill the chicken later on. For breakfast, I bought some hot pandesal and eggs.

When I got home I cooked the eggs, scrambled and sunny side up. After we had our breakfast it's time to clean the house. My daughters took charge of doing the insides of the house while I do the outside. I swept the dried leaves and other rubbishes on the street out front. Then I watered my plants in my mini-garden. Checked them if some insects are doing damage to my helpless babies. After that I'm back again inside to do the dishes. And then that's it.....time to take a rest for a little bit while.

That's when boredom hits me. I don't know what to do next, not that I don't have anything more to do. There are lot's of things to do around here. But my mind and my body won't cooperate.....won't budge a bit eventhough I know I have something to do.

I don't know.....but I really don't feel like doing anything. It feels like, my energy was all used up,drained. Another factor is the heat. Like it's draining the energy out from my body and my brain too, I think. I really can't get my body to move to do something,and when I do.....I cannot finish what I started doing.

At one time, I got my agalaonema plant to separate the babies coming out from the mother plant. But I just stared at it for a long time and ended up putting it back to its place, as I am saying to myself in my mind that I'll do that tomorrow (hopefully )

Then I opened my account on my online captcha typing work, started working on my captchas but after a few minutes I stopped. Suddenly I lost my interest in what I'm doing so I just stopped coz I'm making mistakes in typing and those mistakes can result on my account being banned from the site and that's what I don't want to happen.

Not wanting to do anything more, I headed for my bed, lied down hoping that I could fall asleep. But failed.....too hot to go to sleep. I felt very uncomfortable while lying, don't know how or where to position my body. I keep on tossing and turning, so irritating. The tv is on but I have no interest with what they are watching.

I went out, stared at my mini-garden, pluck dried leaves here and there. Then I went inside again, played with our dogs for awhile. Made myself some coffee, ate what's left from our breakfast. Checked what's new in my fb and noise.cash. Checked my balances in my gcash, coins.ph and coinbase. Checked my messenger. Still, nothing interests me.

And now.....finally, it's night time once again. It's raining, so the it's much cooler now. Time to sleep, feeling very tired even if I have not done anything. I am hoping and praying that tomorrow will be different than today.

That's all for now everyone. Have a goodnight. Keep safe.

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2 years ago


Happens all the time especially weekends when I don't have work. I tend to sleep it off and do nothing but I have to force myself to do something :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also force myself to do something. but after a few minutes I stop and I don't know why 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your body is probably tired of the same routine everyday that it probably doesn’t expect anything new to happen, thus the boredom.

Surprise yourself once in a while by doing things you don’t normally do (Might not necessarily involves fun).

You automatically get excited when you do new things 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Maybe that's what I need, something new. But in this current situation, it's more like writing in the air.

$ 0.00
2 years ago