"Fairy me"

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Written by
2 years ago

Hi guys, pardon me if I wasn't around for more than a week. I looked for any alternative way for me to have a better signal. I was constantly changing my simcard and service provider to finally visit my account here.

Internet is still slow but I need to bear with it. I know it isn't just me who uses data connection just to be online. I missed writing, and as of tonight I will join this prompt from @Tamia, which she have read from @Probinsyana 's article which she got also from @Athaliah. I hope you don't mind guys if I answered these questions as well. Hehe Gracias!

Favorite scent

I like citrusy sweet scents. I remember way back in highschool days, the first cologne that I bought was bambini(ph local brand, I'm not sure if it's available internationally.) I just feel so much like a lady already if I use it.

Next I sticked with lewis and pearl summer edition(the yellow one). I used it until college because it has been my signature scent- a mild citrusy sweet scent that doesn't go away on shirts even after days or even after being sports active. Haha My classmates knew I was around if they smelled the fragrance. Too bad they stopped manufacturing it.

Element that best represents me?

Water. How ironic it may sound how I like so much to be always in the water while in fact I easily feel cold. I'm a cold blooded person with thin layers of skin charr haha I don't know, maybe I can't live in western countries where they have sometimes a negative degree of temperature. I will definitely install shower heater if I live there. Haha Also, I love so much to wash dishes, it's just theraputic and calms me down. Although water should be colorless, I can't help but think of water as a blue water like color blue oceans as blue is my favorite.

Which mythical creature would you choose to be?

I want to be a fairy, guarding mother nature or be a beautiful elf who never gets old, secretly watching humans behind the huge trees. I'm a dendrophile so I will choose these feministic creatures while being in the forest๐Ÿ˜‰

How do you show your love to people?

For my love Jb-words of affirmation, I tend to be gentle and sweet mostly through words. But with my family, I noticed that act of service is the most used way of showing them that I value them so much even if how tired I get as long as I made them happy and eat on time.

My most used emoji?

This one- ๐Ÿ˜˜ or this one ๐Ÿ˜‚. I use it several times a day while chatting with jb or family or friends or even here in read.cash.

What can you hear right now?

Dogs barking, vehicles on the nearby road, electric fan and night crickets. Haha Those are music to my ears which are included already in my daily life. Sometimes I use those sounds to fall asleep. Crazy right, I can sleep in consistent noise than with an alarming small sound that occured once, it just makes my heart jump out of bed.

What can you see outside of you window?

Darkness. Total darkness. It's late night already and we don't have lights outside this window area. I can sleep outside since I'm not afraid of the dark but I know I will have chills later knowing that I easily get cold even with thick clothes on.

Have you ever met someone famous?

Yes, several times and it's too many to mention or rather say too lazy to mention haha. They are mostly celebrities or politicians that I like.

Do you like your name? Would you ever change it?

Although my name wasn't derived from my parents name and it was just a celebrity/singer's name which was famous in our country way back in 80's or 90's. They named me that to grant the request of one of my aunts but yes I like my name.

The only time I want to have a different name is when mom calls my name in a Bisaya tune everytime she's angry of one thing and everyone will be involved with her madness. She calls me Shiriiil instead of a soft pronounciation of Sheryl. Not to offend my bisaya friends here, hehe it's just that mama adds a different flavor with my name which sometimes I think of changing it to "Raul" instead. Haha just kidding.

Do you like ice in your drinks?

Sometimes, especially when I can't bear the summer heat or when I'm travelling, I like to drink chilled water. It's more refreshing for me than drinks of any sort which are sweetened already sometimes with preservatives.

What are you afraid of?

Leaving my family behind for good as in dying when I know they still can't.

I want too see my siblings have their diplomas first and my mom have her general check up, treat her underlying diseases which is by God's grace little by little is happening now.

[As always, thanks so much Unsplash for the lead image.]

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$ 1.74 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Ruffa
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Written by
2 years ago


Oi natry ko rin yang Bambini ha. Pero una kong ginamit is Juicy Cologne. I just like the sweet fragrance of it. Tas pag dumadaan ako papansinin nong classmate ko na "Ang bango ni Ruffa eh." Ehee ganern. Pero favorite scent ki? Syempre amoy ng pagkain HAHAHAGA.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahah natawa ako sa amoy tlga ng pagkain eh๐Ÿ˜‚ kakagutom naman kasi๐Ÿ˜‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sapat na saoat na yon ee hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago