Your Regular Dedication Deserves Appreciation

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2 years ago

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Many of my reader friends already knows that I'm a regular author or content creator of several blogging platforms including this one. My regular writing get appreciation and I make money which is my gain and encourage me to be active or regular. How much power you have, how much rich you are! Doesn’t matter when you are helping others with your 100% efforts and that should be count.

Why today I'm writing on this topic? Ofcourse there is a reason behind this. Actually I'm a regular social media marketer in Twitter. Basically I share my articles or blogs in my Twitter profile. There is a person whom I don't know personally even he doesn’t use his photo for his profile. His name is Mike and he is a very helpful person I met in virtual world last year.

Almost more than a year he never forgets to support with his 100% upvote. Actually I'm not the one whom he is supporting everyday and never missed a single day to upvote my contents in some other blogging platform. He may has not big power to support us with big amount of dollars but his regular dedication to us will be always appreciated and respected.

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Actually I have other blog supporters too but they often missed my blogs to support but Mike sir is a person who never forgets to support my each and every blog I share. My heartiest gratitude to him and I pray to Almighty for his long life and prosperous happy life. And these good wishes come from our heart as he really deserves even deserves more for his dedication to help us.

This was just an example, I want to highlight more areas where we can be regular for appreciation. Like I'm regular in writing and responding and get paid as appreciation for my regular work. Our regular prayers to Almighty, appreciated by Almighty as we living a beautiful life. Our regular Charitable activities also appreciated by Almighty as we donate more and earn more from unexpected and unknown resources.

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When we donate more or less everyday, we get good return if we can realize or feel them. Donating wealth and helping others is a kind of charity that ensure our secured long life. So being regular in donating is also deserves appreciation that we get from Almighty. Our selfless and unconditional support to others mostly come back to us as the double. But we should help others without any expectations and only to please Almighty.

Hope my topic of discussion explained well to my reader friends. So what to you think about it? Which good habit you going to switch on to do it regularly? It can be offering prayers, helping others or doing some charity. If you are unable to do these things then you can do one thing and that will be smile. Please smile when you talking to others, smiling to make other smile is also something good you can do in your everyday life.

Thanks So Much For Reading Till The End

Sunday, January 30, 2022 
Written by ©SHOHANA

$ 1.19
$ 1.03 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Idksamad7869
$ 0.05 from @Lucifer01
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2 years ago


Very much inspired from this story of you. Sometimes the person are really in need of money even they don't have food to eat to wear clothes, here the donors came and help them by up voting their creativity, i think it is a best way to help someone, where he is getting a reward for his hard work but he is not begging money. This is helpful to keep secure his self respect. Really inspiring story

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Real happiness is best when shared, and sharing your blessing is good.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

But appreciating people are less.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Bro we should stop expecting and keep serving good work. Almighty will appreciate us with better life. Hope you get me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago