Month Of Blessings Right Here

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Avatar for Shohana
2 years ago
Topics: Fast, Ramadan, Muslim, Islamic, Month, ...
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Its seems to me a sudden call of Ramadan. Ramadan as Arabic month is well known to almost all the people in this world. Dear Muslim community friends, wish you all have a blessed Ramadan. Tomorrow InshaAllah we going to keep fast. Sounds exciting because fasting will start for next 29-30 days and it will teaches us lessons that we need to have in life to live a blessed and happy life.

Many people can't afford to keep fast for their illness so I pray to Almighty Allah for their recovery as soon as possible. Fasting in Ramadan is not a matter of choice only, it should be done when we are a real muslim. If we feel the passion for Ramadan fasting, we can deserves to be call a real muslim.

What make me feel bad at this time? When I see people not keeping fast and make excuses. Many parents seems over concerned about the health of their children. When fast is damn good for our health. Ramadan fast teaches us to have self control and patience and by keeping fast we practice so many good things.

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Our greatest Almighty promised us to reward us for keeping fast for his satisfaction. When we keep fast, our intention should be the satisfaction of Almighty Allah and we get huge benefits from it automatic. So I have respect to good practices of Ramadan and fasting is really great and it teaches us lessons that we can learn. When we have empty stomach we can feel about the poor and their feelings a little bit.

Ramadan is a month of being a good donor. We can be blessed by donating wealth and food to the poor. Many people like me prefer donating good sum of money and also can do another prayer of our Islamic community and that is known as Zakat. Our donations should be also to impress or please Almighty Allah. Prefer to encourage people around me or us to donate wealth from their funds.

Still can't believe the blessed month is right here. I didn’t prepare much for this year Ramadan but trying to go with the flow and prepare as much can be possible in this short time. My heartiest respect for those who has plans for earning blessings from Almighty. Right now without any pre-preparation just trying to pray accordingly and later I may try more prayers to please my Almighty Allah.

Hope blessings may flooded into our life and we can pray a lot to impress our Almighty Allah. Ramadan is a golden opportunity to ask for mercy to Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala for our sins. So don't miss this golden chance when you are a real believer of Islam.

Thanks For Reading 💗

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Avatar for Shohana
2 years ago
Topics: Fast, Ramadan, Muslim, Islamic, Month, ...


Alhamdulillah. Ramadan kareem to you and family members.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hoping for more blessings to you as well. Happy Ramadan!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The blessing and mercies are unlimited and holy spirit of fasting begins. May Almighty Allah bless us best from it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Happy Ramadan Kareem ☪️And I wish you more success in this joyful month. The first day fasting was done and dusted Alihamdullila

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Alhamdulillah for everything!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Fasting is indeed good for our health! May this month be filled with abundance. Let the blessings rain on you and your family dear.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ameen! Likewise dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy Ramadan sister. May your all wishes come true.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ameen! likewise bro!

$ 0.00
2 years ago