If Death Could Be A Solution

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Avatar for Shohana
2 years ago
Topics: Death, Solution, Afterlife, Heaven, Sinful, ...
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Very common in frustrated people that we want a permanent solution by having death. Many of us expect to die when things are going worse in life. Sometimes we are just tired to life and tired to act like a strong individual. Strong people also feel broken but they don't show much. Frustration is an uninvited issue that hit us to spoil times in our life. Even we know its not good but we experience it unwillingly.

If death could be a finale solution of peace I would love to hug it. But as a believer of next life I can't think about to die. I was damn upset today and in my prayer I was complaining to Almighty Allah that what's the reason of my life and why don't I'm not dying like my mom. She passed away at her early age and I want to die soon too because I'm tired. Unfortunately I'm not yet ready for another life so how could I expect the death?

When I was thinking about to die I was too much emotional that turn to tears and expecting death earlier but its not could be a finale solution of permanent solution. My death couldn’t be decided by me because I want heaven in next life so I need to pray more to impress my Almighty Allah and for that I need to live a life. This time may be not good but good time will come one day. At least I can live with this hope.

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Not only I but also many frustrated people wish to die. Just think what will be after your death? Is there anyone to cry after you or pray after you for lifetime? Its a Big NO. Even one day your own people will forget your death anniversary and birthday too. This is very natural. When I was thinking about death deep inside my heart I found none to cry after me because no one cry for an orphan and I don't want too. I want to live in my good deeds after my death and that's my wish.

Before death I want to do something big for people that they pray for me when remembering me. I don't want a cursed life and cursed afterlife. I need heaven, maybe not possible in this life but I'm hopeful for afterlife so I'll try my best to save my words and will stay away from sinful activities. If in this journey someone help me I'll surely welcome but if anyone try to force me to do sinful activities I would love to leave them for the satisfaction of Almighty Allah.

A person who mean to be in your life will always help you to please Almighty and will never ever leave you but if the person force you to do sins then better being alone forever with the expectation of afterlife. May Almighty Allah gives us strength to do so! Ameen.

Thanks For Reading 💗

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Avatar for Shohana
2 years ago
Topics: Death, Solution, Afterlife, Heaven, Sinful, ...


Reading your article I want to fresh my past by deleting all my wrong and sins activities..death is never a solution for something.We will die for sure in one-day but not when we want .

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I want to remove all my sins 😔

$ 0.01
2 years ago

As enticing as death sounds, it should not be considered as an option when we are in the middle of difficult times. Life has more to offer and we need to continue striving.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

what it means to live if nothing but frustration? at some point someone would just wished to go to hell instead of living life like of a hell.

i agree with you on this but life is short so we should be living life to the fullest. after all we are going to die when its our time.

nice read.

$ 0.01
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think death is not the solution to anything. We have to keep living.

$ 0.01
2 years ago