A Morning Walk To Village Road
This morning I went to a morning walk with my grandmother (mother of my mom). She lives with her daughter (my aunt) and this morning we went for a morning walk. It was a beautiful gloomy morning. Dew drops on green leaves mostly grab my attention because this is one of the best scenery of nature which represent the refreshment of nature. My grandmother is an old and she walk like a tortoise.
My grandmother go for morning walk everyday because she is a diabetic and she started walking when she knows about her diabetes. My Eid tour not yet end, hopefully it will end tomorrow. I want to go back though I had a great time with family and relative. This morning when I went for a morning walk I enjoyed green views like paddy fields, green leaves, grass.
Village is my all time favourite place to be. Someday I wish to afford a piece of land in the village and will build a house there. Village seems has plenty of oxygen and I can breath with peace. So I really enjoyed my walk on village roads. My grandmother walk daily and she likes to have companion to talk. For me this is opposite because I love to walk alone in the morning. Prefer to enjoy the nature alone.
Honestly this village is not as beautiful as my own village. As I found some area with bad smell that's really irritating, mosquitos also disturb a lot and its a common problem in villages. In cities pest control team work effectively to kill mosquitos. In villages that's not yet available.
I found this purple flower when passing the village road when walking in the morning. It was a short time morning walk and I brought mango juice, cake, chocolate and toast. I ate the chocolate and shared it with my grandmother, she loves eating sweets and she has sweet tooth.
Enjoyed the time with nature because in cities it rarely found. Before entering the city life I want to enjoy the refreshing nature that blow my mind always! Sometimes travelling to relatives is good as we can have some change from regular working life. Wish to go for walk again tomorrow before leaving the relative house. Feeling good to be back from my city life because I'm comfortable there to work.
Beautiful photos. The area looks pretty.