Stop worrying much about things and start living that life that's best for you

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2 years ago

Yesterday, I was opportune to meet one of my very good friends from my former church, Marvelous. She invited me over to her place since it was very close to where we met. We've not seen ourselves for about a year now, but that moment it felt like we've not seen each other for a decade. We talked about so many things, like how's life and the rest of other things worth talking about. I noticed something different in Marvelous, she wasn't bright as before. She hardly smile, she looked more older than her actual age. I needed to now how life has been with her.

She's always open and truthful. She went ahead to tell me that she going through a lot. It is either she is troubled about what people thinks about her, or she spend too much time worrying about other people life. And immediately it came up me that sometimes we forget about our own life and focus on other peoples life. We tend to worry more over the unseen things, spend more time thinking about the future and yet still we can't lay our hands on those things.

Time they say waits for no one. No one is capable of staying forever in the present, when lost, it is lost forever. Like in some instances where you are having a conversation with someone, and after you've finished with what you were saying you discover that all this while their mind was somewhere else, thinking about a different thing entirely. This people are not fully committed to the present. If I may ask..... What is that thing you are worrying about? Is everything you are worried about worth it? Those things that have made you loose your mind, are the more important than your present?

Often time we spend more time on things that on a normal day wouldn't add any value to our lives. We allow ourselves to give importance to irrelevant people and things to take control of our mind. And this makes us to lose focus of who we really are. How important and unique we are.

Stop worrying much about things and start living that life that's best for you. Give more attention to yourself first before you think of bringing others into the plan. Don't see it as selfishness, it is self-love. Don't give attention to the negative feedbacks people give about you, it's just their opinion and their way of life. Since this set of people find comfort in giving bad opinions of you, you can't really change who they are. People see things differently, everybody have their own definition of what life is.

Two students gave opinions about their maths teacher, one saw a good teacher and the other saw a wicked teacher who gives loads of assignments on Fridays. Peoples perceptions are different, so what you do is all the situation to flow. If all you do everyday is spend more time in thinking about others and what they will say about you, at the end of the day you will only be frustrated and left with stress. The only worthy thing you can think of is your present, because you own the moment and it somehow visible to you.

If you wish good things for yourself, Stop worrying much about things and start living that life that's best for you. Make time for yourself that you can do the things you love freely. Do what your strength can carry, start living the kind of life that will be of great benefit to you. You have the keys to your happiness, it's now left for you to unlock every door of happiness in your life.

We are coming to the end of the age. In fact we are at the end of the age. And there is a pull like in the days of Noah. There's a pull for everyone to go the way of the world, but there's also a high calling... there's a calling for men to go against the tide, for men to walk with God... And every man in this hour that will walk with God they will carry dimensions of God that have never been seen on planet earth before. Because God is about to cloth this earth with His glory. And is going to manifest to principalities and powers the manifold wisdoms of God through His elect and select. There's a call coming out to you to up the tempo. Press in and make God your best friend.

Thank you for visiting today. Signing out now till some other time. Bye

All images are from unsplash 

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Written by
2 years ago


Worrying over what we can't change is one thing have decided to do without.. Nothing gives a man sleepless nights like worries

$ 0.00
2 years ago

And it's never a good one to worry over what we can't change.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Life is funny because we constantly caught in between quarreling about living our best life and actually living our best life which would mean we need not worry.

So what to do? Live your best life without worries or worry a little and live a little

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very well spoken.

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2 years ago