At the end of the time people call me I am a Diploma engineer not graduate :(

24 79
Date: 08-June-2022
Author: Md.Shariful Islam Shawon id: @shawon130 

All human being is my nearest one and I like to trust, love, care and respect to all. Many people in this world think so toughly that life is so hard to spend. But to me it's so easy and simple. A life can be easy and simple if you can get support and work with it as like flow of water from hill. A flow of water from the hill which connect at the end of the time with sea. People try to make barrier to stop it. Sometimes they can. But naturally it's not possible to stop to meet the hill water to connect with sea. It's life and we have to battle with barrier and if we can get family support than nothing can stop us to fulfill our aim or dream. Todays topics or article based on the importance of family support for a children to make the aim or dreams come true. At the end of the time people call me, I am a Diploma engineer not graduate.

I am Md.Shariful Islam Shawon from Chittagong, Bangladesh. I am 32 years now. I am an IT support engineer and doing job near 10 years as as Assistant Executive (IT Hardware and networking). When I like to write an article and needs to give example I like to share my own experience. Because I trust if I share or imagine a story it's not good as much I wish to write. I can not feel the pain of others. Because I trust who get hurt they know well more than others. So I share my own experience and it's going to be easy to understand what I want to express with all of you.

I was the top students from my student life. I completed my secondary School Certificate exam at 2005 with getting 4.38 CGPA out of 5.00. First of all I want to say our country is not developed country. So here a children get less support from their family. I am from the rural area. I did not know much about the world. I was connect with only traditional education system. Family don't give me support to go outside and play all time. After come from school at 4.00 PM I ate lunch in between 4.45pm. At 5.00 Pm private tutor come and study started again before evening. So less time I get time to play and connect with people. But as a children I like to play games. But I don't get chance for rules or binding from the family.

After Complete Secondary School Certificate exam I did not know what I will do next. My family members are not highly educated. They always listen or depend others decision. Some said admit in college with science background or some said don't take science department. No decision from my family. I was only 16 years that time. My family asked what you want to do now? Nobody wants to take responsibility that time. I understand this things few years later when I grew up with age and proper knowledge. One day one of my school teacher (MRS. GITA) madam told me, Shawon do you like to be a doctor or engineer? I said mem I felt nervous to see blood. So I think Engineering will be good for me because I am from science background. Mem said than you can admit in Technical college and can complete Diploma in engineering. After get suggestion from my family I shared this with my family. They said me, it's your decision. We don't know ok. One more time I was in hesitation in the years of 16. But I love computer. As a rural area boy at 2005 computer was a dream to me. I don't have computer that time. I selected Computer department in admission form and I selected as a computer science student in Feni Polytechnic Institute. My result in S.S.C level was good to admit in merit list. I admitted their and completed my Diploma in engineering in Computer Science with getting point 3.62 out of 4.00. It was 4 years course. The disaster comes after it. The main story which hurt me and destroy my whole career. Still now I am suffering for it.

After completed my Diploma in Engineering in Computer Science I decided to do my graduation from abroad. In many times I said, It's my dream to go abroad. I had dream to study in abroad. I thought I will complete my graduation from foreign university. I had good result and at 2010 I move to city to city in our country to collect information how to go abroad with student visa? Finally I got an agency who can process for my student visa. I went to that agency in Gulshan, Dhaka. I met with the agency person and submitted my documents. After see my document he said me, wow you have good result. You can get visa easily. I was too happy that time. He asked me, In which country you want to go ? I said him I like to go UK. He said that's a nice country. He searched in the online and give me some college and university name from where I can completed my graduation in CSE department. I selected University of Lincoln from UK. I was so happy to see the University building. It was a dream to admit in that type of beautiful university. Agency person said your total cost will be 5000$ to admit and get visa. I was so happy and come back from our capital city Dhaka. When I was in bus journey in come back time I saw dream in bus. I saw that I am going to UK and study their and my dreams come true to do higher study from foreign university.

When I come back at home and shared this with my family, they shared this with my relatives. My family members and my relatives told various types of words. Which was not totally in my mind. See below what a shameful words they said,

  • I will marry foreigners girl.

  • I will not come back.

  • I can not do hard work.

  • I am dreaming big without reason etc.

After listen those things Few days later I told them will you support me and give me permission to go and study in UK? They showed me many bulshit reason and did not agree to process for my student visa. They denied my wish and plan. On that time I was so hurt. Because my dream broke that time. From that day I had another level of angriness work to my family. They decided to admit me in local private university. Ultimately my angriness to them destroy my whole career. I left my study in the last semester of my graduation. I was angry to them. I just admitted to the university but did not study. In my past career I never failed in any subject. But in graduation program I took fail as my eager. At the end now I am not a Graduate, I am just a Diploma Engineer.

I feel lough now when my family members blame me for my bad situation. I am passing bad time in my life. But I am happy that I can show the my angriness. I want to tell them I only know what I lost for your uneducated mentality. You all never try to listen me. You give value of others words. Ultimately all of you are in tension and me also. "Its easy to blame someone but its not easy to fulfill someone dream"

I am the first person from our rural area who took decision to study in abroad. I had ability. But did not get family support. I wish and want to send request letter to all family members from all over the world, PLEASE GIVE SUPPORT TO YOUR CHILDREAN. TRY TO LISTEN THERE WISH AND DREAM AND AIM. If you don't support not only they also whole family will face problem to settle them.

I am father of two beautiful kids. I never do wrong which my family did with me. If I alive in this world and my kids wants to study in abroad if I don't have money than I will take loan from bank or will send the land. I never barrier them to study in abroad. I am the victim and I don't want my kids face same problem by me. I know the importance of family support for a children career or life.

I think as a father I am responsible to provide my kids a happy life and better future. After listen my own story I like to ask all parents from all over the world, are you ready to provide your kids a happy life and better future?

Hello family, Give support to your children. Otherwise they lose hope to reach destination.

All images collect from Source link in below:

Thanks for being with my articles. I wish and pray for all people in this world. Stay safe and never forget to see dream.

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Own story of the author. No copy write. The author of this article means me, I like to write and share own article always.

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+ 13


I am really sad to hear all this, but you will get the reward of your hard work , one day you'll be a proud father, families should support their children's instead of hearing useless talks of other, they should avoid judgments, i wish you all the best in your life ahead.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks and I wish to get pray that I can prove myself to be a good and responsible father.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your family should give you proper step to get better future. Your plan was great but your family did not understand or give value to you. By the way never stop just do what you like to do.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

not only my family every family should listen their children and give them proper decision.

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2 years ago

Mostly many children face same as like you. Parents and other family support less time. Future has become risky for family bad decision.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I never try to give my children pain by never listen their words. I will listen to them and tell them you can move anywhere to gain knowledge.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Brother here every student follows same pathway like you. But I accepted you faced a lot of critics and difficulties in your life. Believe on Allah, He will bless you in reward.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have full believe in my creator ALLAH. I never lose hope because I trust If I am determine oneday I will be gainer in my aim . If I can not I never hurt my kids any day by giving excuse.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ameen. I wish you same prayer and more determination. Be on right pathway and never lose hope.

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2 years ago

Most family members don't want you to do better than them that's why they always come up with useless excuses instead of showing support.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't like to give excuse to my kids. I just want to provide them freedom. My kids are member of my family and If I do support them they can move forward to success.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm so sorry about your situation, my friend. They took away a great chance. I am sure that you will not let your children experience this situation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I never take any bad decision which will be harmful for my children. I am the victim and I know what I face in my life.

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2 years ago

you are great. I congratulate you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Family supports really does matter and its quite sad that you did'nt get it. But then if we really want to achieve something we must do all possible ways to achieve it. Anyway, even if you were not able to reach your dream atleast a lesson has been learned. And that was to give your all out support to your kids when time comes that its time for them to choose their chosen carreers or profession. Your journey does not end there my friend, you could still chase your dream.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

But now I am not feel ok 100%. I have kids now and I have to think about their future. I determined from myself that I can not do study in abroad but if my kids want I will fulfill their dream.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I feel sad for you had fails to pursue your dreams because your family didn't support you. At some point they must also consider your voice and allow you to make the decision.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My family love me so much. But most of the time they listen other words not mind. I am fully upset about it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The thoughts or assumption from your parents were kinda wrong. I was expecting them to complain of money but they complained otherwise 🤦. It's well my friend

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2 years ago

Yeah its hurt me when they said fake words which had no basement.

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2 years ago

Congratulations friend

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2 years ago

I did not complete my graduation. I am upset ok jen-123 .

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2 years ago

Dear Shawon, I am very sorry by the feeling of frustration and despair you received from your family after all your dreams. Graduating from engineering in computer science is really great for going to abroad. Parents and family always should support their children to they can fulfill their dreams.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I lost my hope and suffering now after my family bad decision. But still now I have hope to go abroad.

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2 years ago