Only you know your passion

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2 years ago

If you are looking for a career path you must know what you love to do. But it doesn't mean your passion will be easy to find. Finding your passion could take years or even decades of trials or errors. Some ways to make this process easier for yourself.

But the good news is that once you find it, you all know it

You will feel energized and engaged in your work. You'll be able to contribute something meaningful and you'll love doing it. You can also tell if this is what you want to do. Because when people ask how I got into my current career path. I always say: "It's just what I am good at".

It's a feeling of coming alive and being fully engaged

You'll know it when you feel it

Everyone would be passionate about everything they do. Instead of trying to figure out what your purpose is. Focus on feeling engaged and enjoying what you are doing or at least learning how. This can mean anything from having fun.

It also has a way of making your problems feel smaller and more manageable

One of the best ways to find your passion is by looking at what's already working for you. If you are an introvert, find a way to be social__ maybe join a society in your institute or a book club. If you are a natural-born leader, consider joining a team sport or becoming a CR in the class. You can even start a blog on healthy cooking. The point is that many things can help us more out of life besides your career and hobbies.

Not to pursue your passion. If it doesn't work out, at least you tried and can try again

You tried a new thing unfortunately failed. There is no point in being in regret. An internal satisfaction that I tried at least. Doesn't matter whether I failed or succeed. Even Edison failed 99 times. In every ending with a failure, there is a new beginning.

If you're doing something truly meaningful, even your failure can feel like successes

Failure is a necessary part of the learning process. It's how we can learn, grow and evolve as human beings. If you are afraid of failure because it makes you feel uncomfortable or vulnerable, then perhaps it's better if you just don't take any risk or start up anything at all. But if you accept what matters the most things will be easier to understand and maximum chances of growth.

That's why, if you want to start doing work you love. It's worth taking the time to find your passion__no matter how long it

Only you know what will make you happy and feel fulfilled

As you continue to explore your passion, it's important to remember that only you know what will make you cheerful. You have to be patient with yourself. You have to keep trying new things, even if they don't work out the first time around. You should have to take risks on this journey of self-discovery.


This is a process that everyone goes through, and it can be a struggle to find your passion. But if you do, it will change your life in so many ways. You will be able to focus on what you love doing. Instead of constantly thinking about the next you have to do or worrying about money.

Author: @Shani59

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2 years ago


Indeed you'r right i remember i wasn't familiar with the term passion, my parents choosed the path for me and told me to go that way instead of my own desire and passion i was running anonymously in the path chosen by them.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yep, try exploring new things, when will get you made for i.e passion/career!

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2 years ago