What is smartness??
If i am asked to say what is smartness I would say that smartness is a human attribute that enables us to observe the universe and its phenomenon rationally and it makes us generalist about everything and induces us to be specialist in any specific field that will help us to lead a better life. A smart person can visualize the past, analyze and face the present and forecast the future on the basis of information that he/she has gathered over the time. Smartness makes us free from ignorance, arrogance and all sort of bigotry by knowing up to date precise information. Smart person is one who understands the word “Relativity” very well in every aspect of life and its surroundings!!!
There are different levels of intelligence, and different levels of awareness of intelligence, finding the highest level might require the seeker to attain or find a person whose level of intelligence is just below the highest level. In other words, to be able to identify the most intelligent person in the world, you might have to find or become the second most intelligent person in the world in order to identify this “most intelligent person”.
Smart is recognizing your strengths and using them to enhance your life.
There cannot be a specific skill that you could apply to being smart, for reasons you have mentioned, a math genius may not be able to do the most basic practical things and vice versa.I guess smart person should not just be able to make oneself, but must also be able to help others form themselves.
– should be able to learn and to teach.
– should be able to see and to show.
– should be able to listen and to speakIf you read my full article then give your opinion about smartness..i hope all of you agree with my thought about smartness..
thank you !!