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Avatar for Seraphina22
3 years ago

I know you don't like reading a long post, but trust me, this is worth your time.

So, Before you scroll by, read!

I want us to do this together.

It's just for a few minutes. I promise I won't take your time.

So, let's go!

Imagine waking up one morning and seeing yourself in an environment you know nothing about. You don't know who you are and what you are.

No past. No future. You are completely blank.

While you are trying to figure out who you are in this strange but peaceful and comfortable environment, you begin to see different things you know nothing about. Some are flying above you and some walking by.

The questions that fill your heart initially was about yourself. But now, you are beginning to see things you can't say anything about. So, you are completely in a strange place.

Still in the process of your observations and questioning, you hear this soft, sweet and comforting voice;

"Welcome to life my dearly beloved one. I have made you king over everything you are seeing. The creatures are given to you for food. Rest and enjoy the splendour."

Hearing this voice, no fear, no terror. You are totally and completely at peace. So you ask, "who are you and where are you talking to me?"

The voice responded, "I am you and you are me. I am talking right from within you. You are my image. I am in you."

In a surprise, you ask, "in me?" You begin to check through your body maybe you will see the voice talking to you.

Still in your process of checking, the voice responds again, "Stop searching for me. You are seeing me already. I am you. You are seeing the me you are looking for in you. I am you."

"Wow" you responded. So, what is this place? What will I be doing? What are these things all about? You ask again.

"This place is your home. Rule and dominate it. These creatures are your food, eat anyone. Your life is all about living in me and I in you. That's all"

"Awesome! This is awesome. What are the names of these things? You ask again.

"They will be named after whatever you call them. You are their lord. Call them whatever you like."

Fill with Joy, peace and comfort, you begin to explore this place called your home and examine all the creatures. It is such a great adventure for you.

After a few hours, the bright light begins to dim. Your body that was so strong in walking up and down seems to be responding to something you are not familiar with. So, in curiosity, you say, "Voice, where are you? I don't know what's happening. My body is doing somehow and something is changing. You begin to look again for the voice.

Then the voice responds, "I told you I'm you and you are me. Stop looking for me. I'm right here in you."

Immediately, you respond, "Sorry, please say something about this."

"Okay. The light is called Day. And the hours you are about experiencing is called Night. During the day, you will work and do whatever you want to do. But, in the Night, you will rest. This is what your body is responding to now."

"Rest? What is rest? you ask.

"The first day, I separated the light from the darkness. The second day I made the Heaven that is beyond you. On the third day, I made the earth, which is your home and everything in it. On the fourth day, I set up seasons. On the fifth day, I made sea creatures and all. On the sixth day, I made you the owner of everything, and finally, on the seventh day, I rested. I rested because everything was perfect and complete. So, since I'm in you, rest is to tell you how complete and perfect you are in me. It's just a sign for you"

"Amazing! I love this." You reply.

After a few seconds, you couldn't control it and you sleep off. On the following morning, you continue exploring your home.

As you speak to the animals, they obey. You look to birds of the air and tell them to come, they immediately obey.

After a few days, you wake up one morning to see another creature exactly like yourself beside you. She was still sleeping.

Immediately without wasting time you ask again, "Voice, who is this? Have not seen any creature like this before."

Then the voice responds,

"Hey, gently. You will wake her up. She's still sleeping. Anyways, she's part of my plan for you. I brought her last because I want you to value and appreciate her. She's your help. The coming together of the two of you will produce more of you that will live in this home. She's taken out of you."

"This is serious. She's so beautiful. Wow. She soft and comely too."

"Yes. Because she's not as strong as you are. She's made in your image." He adds.

"Impressive! Can I name her? You ask.

"Sure. You can. She's your bride." He replies.

"I will call her woman. Because you said she's taken out of me." Your answer.

"This is great. And she shall be called woman." He concludes.

While you are still gazing on her beauty and splendour, she wakes up to the life she never knows anything about. The first person she sees is you.

Then she asks,

"Who am I? What's this place? Who are you?

You give a wonderful smile and begin a long explanation for her. Showing her everything and enjoying life with her.

Days and months pass by, both of you are enjoying the glory of your home together.

Then suddenly one morning, she came with this thought she has been thinking over for some days.

"My dear, have been thinking of something." She says.

"What is it, babe? I'm listening." You reply.

"Don't you think it's wise we take charge over everything we have ourselves? This voice that keeps talking to you on what to do and not do is controlling us. See now, we have everything. There is nothing we need that we don't have. It is not good enough for us to be under the control of this voice. She affirms.

"Ah-ah! What's this? That's wrong! How can you come up with such a thought?" You reply.

"I'm sorry babe if that offends you. But think along with me. What do we need that we don't have? While I was seated under the tree day before yesterday, it just occurs to me. Honestly, have thought it through. We have everything. Let's begin to do things in our way." She speaks calmly to you while she uses her hand to run through your chest.

"Hmm. I think you are right. You are very right! We truly have everything and we are in control of everything. Every creature obeys us whenever we command them. I think we can be on our own." You reply with conviction.

Then, from that moment, you no longer obey or ask the voice for direction again.

One early morning as you wakes up, the voice speaks to you, "my beloved, what is this you are doing. You no longer obey nor ask me questions. This is not right. Your ability to manage and control these things is because am in you. Don't be doing things this way. I didn't create you like this. Please Stop it!"

Without much ado and with all your energy, you shout, "leave me alone! I want to be on my own. I don't need you again. I'm in charge of everything. Everything obeys me. Stop controlling me. Leave me alone!

For the first time, as the word was leaving your mouth, you feel this emptiness you can't define. All creatures standstill and a terrible and fearful silence hit your home. A terrible whirlwind shakes everywhere, and for the first time, you became fearful.

In this middle of this terrible happenings, your wife wakes up terrify too. Both of you become helpless and don't know what to do.

For the first time, the lion roars terribly because anger took over her. The birds of the air make terrible noises because something happened to them. And other creatures of the earth immediately posses another spirit. In short, everything went out of order and control.

Just like the dangerous reactions you were seeing in all animals are not enough, for the first time, you see trees shaking terribly.

Your wife asks in fear, " babe! Babe! What's this?

Your reply, "I did what you told me now. Why are you asking? It is not you!

Before you know it, all animals that are always running towards you in obedience begins to run from you. Their actions begins to scare you.

And finally, that is how you lose control over your home and become a subject to your environment.

Do you know this story?

I'm sure you do.

This is all our Brother, Moses, wrote as snake, garden, fruit and all in Genesis.

I hope you understand now?

But, what I'm I trying to pass across?


✅ God speak to us from within us through our thoughts by his spirit. The devil also does the same from without us through our thoughts. Once we talk any of his thoughts, his spirits, fear, anger, inordinate affections etc, take over. So, be mindful of the thoughts you think and follow. Jesus countered the thoughts of the devil with the word of God. So, know the word.

✅ The spirit of independence is not God's. He created us to live in union with him. Outside this is destruction. Come into union with him if you are not yet by believing and confessing Christ.

✅ Be careful of independent spirit. " I can do it alone. I have what it takes. I don't need anybody." It is the spirit of error. Submit to grow under someone. It is God's pattern.

✅ Stop searching for God in the mountains and valley. He's always present with you. Learn to ask him questions and trust him enough to guide you.

I hope you are blessed?

Does it worth your time?

Thank you.

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Avatar for Seraphina22
3 years ago



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3 years ago

Yes, God is with us always.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

God is always near us, we only need to understand the way He works.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Intresting, we dont need to go far to look for God, once we stay clear from sin, he is right there with all in all that we do, in the good times he is there, even in the bad times, we just need to call on him he is ready to listern, even when you are in sin once you realize and as for forgiveness he is ready to forgive

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3 years ago