You Deserve That Award. The Story Of A Budding Writer.

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2 years ago

I met the headmaster and the man at the helms of affairs when I was in the Primary School in those years. Though I wonder how I was able to recognize him and I went to him afterwards I greeted him , though we met at a place very close to the market , we both exchanged pleasantries . Then I began talking, "Do you still remember me ? He said No . "I was the one you made the head of the School Writers Club in those years and which was made to catch the entire school with amazement. " Do you remember now sir ? Oh yes. He nodded with approval. Yes the boy who represented the school in a competition organised by "The Cadbury International - makers of Bournvita Beverages where our school was declared The Best National Writer School. " I said Yes Sir. Oh fine boy. . He replied. He put his hand forward , he shook my hands warmly. Are you still writing as before ? Before I replied , He said I could remember when you were in Primary School I can recall successfully when you were heading a team of young writers , those boys were very versatile and hardworking. Do you still remember one little girl like this , ooh , I have forgotten her name , it had been long , the girl was so good to a fault. She was a good writer too. She was a determined type , very ready to learn and always admit to her mistakes . She must by now be an Editor of a Newspaper or a Stake holder in Mass Communication Profession today. You really did well in your Primary School days. Congratulations. Keep it up.

That reminds me , sorry to delay you , I heard later that you also did well also in your secondary school days. You also joined hands with some other boys and girls to establish a Press Club. Waoh ! in your secondary school days. Good am happy for you. Infact , information came to me that you were part of the State Delegation that went to the National Capital to compete with others from all in other States. An Essay Competition entitled : The Role of The Press In Emerging Democracy In The World. I learnt that you won the Essay Competition. That is quite nice. Thank you Sir. I replied him.

"But come , my son told me that one boy by that Name of yours were in the same University with him and that the boy was a great writer too.". Do you know the boy in question ? Is it in Bulawayo University ? Yes. Did your son attended that University for his First Degree ? Yes now. My Headmaster replied . That is great. Your own son ? Yes. "I can't believe it. True . He insisted. I attended Bulawayo University for my First Degree in Mass Çommunications. You mean it . Yes Sir. Oooh My God . My son was there. It is unbelievable. I didn't know him. I told my Headmaster. The word "Headmaster" happens to be the designation they were using in those days to describe a person at the helms of affairs in our Primary Schools then. But things had changed there now. The designation had been changed to "Headteacher" now.

Afterwards , two of us sat down and in the process we went into another round of talking as related to two of us in which I went down memory lane to inform him of my involvement in campus journalism in which I was part of the distinguished writers that came together to form a formidable registered Press Club called CAMPUS MIRROR. Initially When I was in Year 1 , I was just an ordinary member of the Campus Mirror and our primary aim was to article on different issues of Importance. Thank God it was a very great moment of my life. I love Campus Journalism to a fault then.

Funnily enough , nobody funded us but money was coming out of little pocket money that was given to us by our Parents then. We pooled resources together to fund the project of the Club. Later , others who joined us were made to pay Annual Dues together with Registration Fee as a new member.

No doubt about it , we made the Campus of the University to be highly Entertaining and worth studying in. We had organised Press Club that informs , educates , as well entertaining. Thank God I was able to combine this with the rigor of Academic Pursuit. Quite very interesting. It was done with alot of passion and love of great magnitude. In fact , pecuniary motive was non-existence. We committed to do it as if our lives were dependent on it. Thank God it was successfully done.

In Year 2, I was made An Associate Editor. I was given the task of collecting articles and pack them neatly in an Envelopes and have them moved to the Office of the Editor In Chief where the articles were to be edited before they could be published. It was like an English Class. All the rudiments of English were taught us and we were better for it.

In Year 3 , I was made the Social Correspondent to cover all the social events in the campus and it was excellently done in the campus . While doing that job I was awarded "THE BEST CAMPUS JOURNALIST OF THE YEAR ". No doubt , it was celebrated with great fun fare and a lot of impactful excitement. I was celebrated that year. Sir , I was given a lots of Gifts and series of souvenirs to keep for the future. I cherished being a CAMPUS JOURNALIST.

In the Final Year , I was made the Editor In Chief of the Campus Mirror. Thank Almighty Father for the excellent job done. It was in that year the Club represented THE BULAWAYO UNIVERSITY in All University Writers Competition In United States. We won the Competition.

So Daddy that was Part 1 of My Story as Campus Journalist . To Be Continued in Part 2. Thanks for Reading.

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2 years ago


What I can deduce from this interesting story is passion. There is no height a person wouldn´t go when passion is involved. You are putting all your life in what you are passionate about and that is what happened to the writer who kept receiving award.

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2 years ago