Watching Of Movies . Source Of Spectacular Entertainment .

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2 years ago

Movies are actions put together in play form to entertain the audience. Do you know that in our house am the only one that doesn't watch movies ! But others watch them with keen interest. When they are watching a movie they concentrate , they ignore doing some other things and give full attention to it.

A situation where by majority give their attention to watching of movies and show that movies give them special feelings which other people cannot comprehend , then that could be regarded as a curiosity which must be given special attention to be resolved and studied. You cannot explain it , it is just a feeling of great windy curiosity and inner pampering.

When I pressed my kids to explain why they love watching movies , instead , of them to answer me succinctly with one quick response , they fell into uncontrollable laughter and joy which cannot be controlled. Laughter is contagious and everyone fell into locomotive roar of laughter. When they were halted from laughing , they spoke in unison that they love watching movies. They always derive spectacular entertainment from it. Spectacular Entertainment that goes along with uncontrollable laughter and joy Of love. The one that is understandably and undeniably ignite laughter in other people. Though I don't like it much but the excitement and sensations rose in me with unique feelings of excitement and sensations . I now love it with passion. Thanks to other members of the family.

Watching Of Movies has become a source of spiritual re-awakening and upliftment. Though one may want to see it as a child play but there are a lot of lessons from it that one would learn from it that would throw you over board. One 's re-awakening is assured spiritually. Technically , spiritual movies would go deep down to explain it analytically by being an eye-opening to tricks of the devil and gives you a way out of the logjam. Virtually by following the sequence and lines of the films as they are narrated and acted , the truth of the matter is exposed and one gains tremendously from it. You cannot be richly blessed than that. Spiritual blessings from these movies complement what had been read in the holy books.

Watching Of Movies has been a source of rekindled happiness. There are have been many people who are depressed and are contemplating carrying out evil plans and acting out the agenda of the devil. But from watching the movies , the evil intensions are jettisoned and happiness that is eluded since , is back with renewed vigour and vibrancy . There's no doubt about it. The issue of depression is a cancerworm and enigma on the tissues of human beings and cannot be resolved without subjecting oneself to laughter and uncheck able happiness. One you concentrate to watching movies , you are uplifted accordingly.

Watching Of Movies creates a platform through which so many actors and actresses are known and you are moving forward. We relax with movies especially during the days work. When you are relaxing , your nerves , your brains , your entire you are reinvigorated and reinvented. Certain Popular actors and actresses are Worth watching. They know what they are doing and their presence in movies is seen as a plus to your evening relaxation.

Kids and children in general make matter interesting . Through their discussions you would know the time table of many of these television stations that enrich your wisdom and knowledge in many ways than one. Knowledge enrichment and fun catching go paripassu in movies. One of my many evenings cannot be forgotten in a hurry just like that. A particular actor is depicted as a poor and not well to do and from poverty stricken family that many people had written him off from the affluence radar was through hustling met another person from different backgrounds and walks together as friends. Through their friendship , many things come their ways and reshaping their lives for good. They did not lose hope of becoming something good in life. They throng on and eventually they both reached their promised lands. Several lessons are derived from their sojourn in that movie. They did not give up. They did not allow their initial predicament to stop them from continue their journey and eventually reaching their goals.

A not so good and bad children should not separated and regarded as bad after all. It is only the end that justifies the means. One should not jump into conclusion quickly. A bad boy today may change dramatically for good in matter of time and period. At the same time , environment may be responsible for his unguided life but by changing environment , things can change for him for good. Nobody should be written of. Even girls should not be deprived of education. Because in some parts of the world , Girl Child is not allowed to go to school and be given attention and identity with respect to education. Nobody should be discriminated against. Every child should be encouraged to grow and develop without any discrimination. Some movies are crafted that way to serve as eye-opening to our society.

Some great movies are good sources of proteins and vitamins of life that ginger and motivate you for greater actions and performances. Life is a small place , what you commonise today can form the pillars of your life tomorrow. Therefore during one free time one can just create little time to watch movies. Work and work tires one out. But by creating time for movies your life is refreshed and reactivated for good.

Though whatever brings joy and happiness , cannot be said to be immuned from defects of sad stories but watching of movies should be seen from its advantages the more. By doing this it's essence is far seen and obtained. In conclusion watching of movies is a veritable source of entertainment. Thanks for reading.

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Images from Unsplash. Thanks greatly.

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2 years ago


My dear friend, I completely agree with you, movies are rich sources of emotions. Whenever we want to see a movie, it is enough to think to ourselves what movie makes us feel good now, and to make that movie feel good for ourselves. Movies can be a great resource for cultivating positive values ​​for the general public, and if chosen correctly and accurately, can have many benefits for children's intellectual development and upbringing.

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2 years ago