Trail Blazers. Nice to be Here.

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Avatar for Seniorman
2 years ago

I am happy to be here for the first time in my life today Thursday 19th January 2022 and be in the midst of enlightened minds. It is a privilege of no mean quality . There are millions out there that do not have this kind of opportunity for one reason or the other.

January 19th 2022. Seniorman.

The first task placed in my front is to get a new phone to ensure that am able to write with it. The phone I used to setup Read.Cash belongs to a nice friend of mine who is eager to blaze the trail on this platform. As am writing this article , he had written more than five. He is very , very hot. He gingered me into this and for this am eternally grateful. You shall continue to advance beyond your expectations and imaginations, as well as move from glory to glory.

Since I finished schooling I have not got opportunity to write as plenty as this but I know this rate case would set me up in bringing out of my shell. It shall give me Brand opportunity to shape and reshape my grammatical arsenal and my vocabulary instinct. Thank God I am here.

From the foregoing , am very sure I would be in position to lay my hands on and obtain information on contemporary issues and events as it unfolding in the larger world. What is Bitcoin cash ? What does Smart BCH stand for. What are likely things do I stand to gain if I really appreciate the write up of others on those topics. I need to brace up and read these and others to have first hand information. Information is power. No doubt about it. Without information you may not be able to take right decision.

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All Seniors Here I greet You .

I have got numerous of people here that haven been here on this great platform Read.Cash. for long. I appreciate you. You are highly recognized. I acknowledge your great impact on this platform. Am a learner and am very sure I will learn from you in many more ways than one.

Dry Season Biting Hard.

This is dry season and it is biting hard and seriously. In my part of the World it is when dry wind is blowing across. It is called Harmattan. Originally , the meaning of Harmattan is 'The Doctor '. During this time , the sick people get healed naturally from the wind blowing across. It brings a long healing therapy. A person with sore is sure of being healed naturally. The sore drys up and healed totally. Everyone has is body dried up. Lips are dried up unless ointment is applied.

Cocoa Farmers Reap Abundantly.

Cocoa is a cash crop planted majorly in the Gulf of Guinea in West Africa. Countries like Nigeria , Ghana , Liberia Cote D'Ivoire are in this category. This is the time of harvest. After plucking it from its trees , the pods are allowed to fament for close to a week or two when fruits are now being separated from the shafts. Afterwards , they are washed clean and be later spread on flat rocky areas. They are left to be dried up by Harmattan. Later on they are bagged and have them sold . Income accrued to Farmers in large quantity.

Happy Reading. Having been treated nicely while reading. You may Subscribe To Me.

You would not regret it. Surely you shall blessed you did.

Thanks greatly for reading.

Images Source : Unsplash.

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$ 1.28 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @honeyflex360
Sponsors of Seniorman
Avatar for Seniorman
2 years ago


Welcome @Seniorman. Do enjoy your stay

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2 years ago