Provide Them With Clean , Potable Water In The Rural Areas.

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2 years ago

There is no denying the fact that human beings are found enmasse on the surface of the earth be it in the urban centres or in the rural areas. Urban areas are places that are developed and properly taken care of in terms of social amenities. Examples are Towns and cities. Here people are residing there in large numbers. Therefore , many things to make their lives worth living are provided for them. Uninterrupted Electricity Supply , Clean Potable Water , Good Roads , Modern Model Market , Hospitals , Schools Effective Communications Gadgets , among others are made available for them by the Government. But in the Rural Areas the opposite is the case. Rural Areas areas that are less developed areas. They are sparsely populated , they lack essentials of lives in electricity , Potable Water , Good Roads , Hospitals to mention but just a few. A neglected part of a country. Whereas mass of our people reside. They are hardly noticed. They are not remembered not until when elections are coming , it is then our politicians would remember that some people are residing there. What a pity , when their votes are needed to win an election.

A move round our Rural Areas especially in the border Areas one would notice that they are in dire need of clean , potable water. Water is an essential of life. Without it , one would not be able to life a meaningful life. If they hardly live, they rely on surface running water to carry out domestic activities to watch plates , to cook food and most importantly the drinking water. Drinking water is extremely scare, the people dwelling here, especially women and Children , move from one place to another in search of water especially during the Dry season when nearby surface water is dried up. They move into the Remotest part of the village in search of water to drink. During the raining season though water is everywhere yet smaller quantity and percentage is good enough to drink.

Benefits Of Clean Potable Water.

The benefits of clean potable water can not be far-fetched. In the first instance , if Good water is available , it would prevent people from incessant sickness and illnesses. The people would not live in constant fear of falling sick as a result of unavailable clean and potable water. A visit to one of the villages present a pathetic picture of an abandoned ,rustic and rejected site. This is a fact of life that some people are in some areas that need attention and care.

By the same fact , access to clean potable water nearby would prevent people from roaming about the bush , moving from pillar to post in search of good water. It is a common sight in the rural areas seeing people carrying pales and buckets on their heads looking for water. In the 21st century , it is unimaginable that despite millions of dollars that Government is making as revenue yet some people are lacking water in their area. The ugly situation is better imagined than being described. The Man-hour that is wasted before water is obtained is unquantifiable and unimaginable. Efforts that would be wasted also is there. Who would responsible for the compensation of these rural women and children in terms of time and energy wasted ?

The clean , potable water would prevent outbreak of cholera and other deadly diseases ravaging an area without good water. One should note that surface running water can be messed up either animals or human beings since it is not padlocked and restricted. Presence of Ring worms are noticed in these areas and can get mixed-up with this water , from here havoc can be wrecked on the people dwelling in these areas. It is not a matter exaggerating it , it was reported in the news that thousand of people were reportedly died as a result cholera outbreak. Cholera spreads easily through unclean water and thousands of people are affected. Therefore , this type of gory incident should be prevented at all cost.

Negative Effects Of Inaccessible To Good Water.

Who would come to the rescue of this noble people ? They are neglected already because they don't have access to good water. They are deprived of essential things of life hitherto enjoyed by their counterparts in the urban areas. As a result of this neglect , thousands of people are suffering in silence. They don't have anybody to report to. They are victims of fake promises . They are set of people that are deceived and cheated by successive governments. They are only remembered when an election is fast approaching and they need their votes to win.

Rural Economy is badly affected by not having access to good drinking water. This is a fact that cannot be contested and disputed. Water is essential and needed in our everyday life. Public Canteen needs water to prepare food for public consumption. It is needed for making food and for drinking.

Government Intervention Is Needed In The Provision Of Potable Water.

Government at all levels needs to come to the rescue of the Rural Dwellers in the provision of clean potable water. This is quite important in order for them to feel counted as part of the citizens.

Private Organizations And Corporate Bodies Are Needed To Make Their Own Contributions.

Religious Organizations are expected to join hands with the Government to make provision of clean potable water a reality for the rural dwellers.

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Images From Unsplash. Thanks immensely.

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2 years ago


Hope the government really keeps clean our precious water.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Government needs to provide clean and pure water for the citizens of the country because water is life. And we need to take in good water to prevent diseases.

$ 0.00
2 years ago