Football Creates Excitement.

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2 years ago

Thanks greatly for the encouragement I have received so far. It is a great impetus to ride on with speed. You are highly recognized.

Applause serves as a great motivation to be up and doing , to ride on , fire on from all cylinders while otherwise can be counter productive. Without mincing words , applause serves as appreciation of your projects that have been richly created by you in order to advance beyond your expectations. Permit me to illustrate this from the football match played by our local football club against another team from another locality. The name of our team is Alamuwa Football Team and the other team is Fellow Football Team. In contention was a cup donated by Chief Adediwura .

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Adediwura Cup.

Chief Adediwura , by local standard is a fairly rich man who happens to be a popular Cocoa farmer . Though is a farmer. He is highly interested in the development of football in the local level with this he donated a cup to be completed for yearly. Sixteen teams registered for the competition towards the end of last December. The winner would go home with $1000 , runners up would get $750 while the third place team is expected to go home with $500.

Our Team .. An Average Team.

When the competition started , our team ,. Alamuwa Football Team was not regarded as favorite that is likely to win the cup but we concentrated on planning well for the competition. We went on to form fans club that could be at the bandstand to vociferously cheer our team to victory. This worked wonders , to the extent that every ball kicking and any style of play is applauded to the admiration of all. To be candid , our team is an average team not in the eyes or within the precinct of winning. But the excitement generated by our ever loud applause gave us an edge. We wobbled and fumbled to the final.

Grand Finale..

On this final day of the cup , everyone was on sit including the Chairman Community Association. Before the kick-off ,our team had started dishing out series of melodious song , with fine lyrics and tune of bass with high capacity to ginger. When the game started our team's every move was met with great applause and loud noise with vociferous musical rhythm. This led to one goal scored by our team.

We balanced this up with eeeeh when our team is controlling the ball and uuuuuuh when opposing team takes over the game. This continued until the final whistle was sounded. Alamuwa won. Our excitement of applause culminated in our winning the cup. Our team pocketed $1000 and carried Adediwura Cup.

Excitement Rented The Air

The whole locality bursted into wild jubilation. Series of song rented the air. Oose , Oose oo , oose oo , oose baba.. We , thank you , we thank you , we thank you our father. It was our great excitement that gingered us to victory. Our team does not have what it takes to win. But our applause motivated and gingered us to victory.

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2 years ago
