Sharing is Virtue

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Bread is the main food item that people share most all over the world and on which the word "sharing" is used.

Perhaps the shortest way to make them happy is to challenge them by sharing a bite, by sharing their pain, to increase their joy and happiness, to share it with a loved one, friend, neighbor by telling them we love them and reflecting them on our behavior.

We must share our world, our village, our home, our culture, in short, everything we have in the universe, without forgetting that we are travelers in this world. When people think of sharing, material things immediately come to mind. There is definitely this in this beauty, but first comes sharing people's lives, joys, pains, troubles and loneliness. There is no spiritual pleasure that gives peace to a person as sharing the pain of another person. What a great act it is to share the pain of a death.

In order to share, one needs to know how to give his time, to allocate time. So we have to share the time. When we consider today's living conditions, this is perhaps the most difficult one!..

Being poor in terms of financial means is a difficult and troublesome reality. Yes, it is very difficult!.. However, other poverty is even more difficult, it is painful and thought-provoking. I feel very sad when I see people who are poor in time, poor in mind, poor in love, poor in heart, poor in learning, poor in knowledge, poor in reading. The money poor will be satisfied with "olive bread". But the poor man does not know how to enrich his mind. It remains so. You cannot feed him. When the brain is poor, he can develop his mind only by his own will. Otherwise, he will live and die with an empty mind, an inoperative mind for a lifetime.

So are the knowledge-poor. If he does not read a book or even a newspaper, the mind does not work or works in a limited way. Their experience is also limited. His awareness is very limited. Under these conditions, a person stays behind himself, leaves his family behind, and the society...

Human beings achieve happiness and peace by sharing their material and spiritual values ​​and power with others. Human is a social entity. He is a member of the society he lives in. Individuals in a society have different abilities and characteristics. That's why they always need each other. Helping each other in meeting these needs strengthens the consciousness of the society.

Helping and sharing helps my community to rise spiritually and materially. It prevents economic and social imbalances. It makes the future of society bright. Especially teaching our children to share is to pave the way for future generations and the future of the world. To help increase the number of peaceful, balanced and happy people. For this reason, the main subject of the education we will give to our children and young people should be "Learning to share".

Stacking information in the brains may not be enough in the school of life. It is necessary to help the child understand the uniqueness of the young person, teach him how to develop this with the information from the book and then share it with others.

In my own life, as much as I can, I try to show my grandchildren how important it is to share with patience, in life, with living examples. I watch their spiritual structures and their personal development. I know that the sense of sharing, understanding and practice is a sign of maturity.

Sharing in the world of business, sports, politics, all kinds of social life, in short, in every environment where human beings coexist, is the shortest way to be happy, to succeed and to rise in unity.

Many of the world's problems turn into crises without being resolved. These problems can only be resolved peacefully, without the use of brute force, through exchange of views, meetings, negotiations and discussions. Here is the key to solving the crises in all these developments; Finding solutions in the unity of "Peace-Understanding-Empathy-Mutual Respect" passes through the verb "Sharing"!..

Understanding life is an outward journey. It leads us to success, creativity, helpfulness to others, and humility. Sharing our life with others gives us experience, knowledge and new thinking practices in this way.

Understanding ourselves is an inward journey. It leads us to peace, enlightenment, confidence in ourselves and in God. This is the hardest journey. Sharing this journey with friends we trust will shorten the road. What we share gives these people insight, experience and enlightenment.

Understanding people opens the way for human relations. Understanding people is a difficult journey both inward and outward. There is a commuting requirement. It carries us to harmony, happiness, positive relationship balance, wisdom. Sharing also makes it easier for us to climb this steep slope.

In order to add a true and beautiful meaning to our lives, let's not forget that sharing is happiness... Sharing is virtue...

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