My First 100 Words (with humor)

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2 years ago

My son loves the song of the same name and plays it daily on You Tube Kids (ad free). A, anger, B, bribery, C, corruption, D, dastardly, E, egomaniac, F, never mind. Okay, so he doesn't have that version.


As my regular and faithful readers know, I've been regularly reading and writing since the 3rd grade. I was woman-slapped by by Guamanian teacher in elementary and was forced to write. I wrote fake news before it was cool. When I did not write well, my knuckles felt the brunt of her 18-inch wooden ruler. I learned with a quickly after a couple of raps.


By the time I hit college, I was 21 and fresh out of the US Army. My grammar was proficient and I made it a point to learn new words and use them properly.

I don't have any desire to bore you with words we should all know. But here are 26, and I'll throw a bone of humor in, one from each letter of the alphabet, chosen at random.

A - antithesis. Meaning: the direct opposite. Usage: The truth is the antithesis of a lie, you deadbeat.

B - brainstorming. Meaning: stimulating creative thinking. Usage: Adam and Eve began brainstorming how they could get around God's commands without getting hit by lightning.

C - contrived. Meaning: obviously planned or forced. Usage. The COVID restrictions were contrived by the wealthy to pocket more money at the expense of the poor, and yet dummies will vote fo them again.

D - didactic. Meaning: instructive; used for teaching. Usage: With the exception perhaps of "Pilgrims Progress, there are relatively few novels with a wholly didactic religious purpose.

E - erudite. Meaning: characterized by great knowledge. Usage: Sponge Bob's pal  Patrick Star is not exactly erudite; he's dumber than a rock.

F - formidable. Meaning: something that inspires fear or respect. Usage: Counting the number of angels on the head of a pin proved to me a formidable task for an atheist.

G - genteel. Meaning: marked by refinement in taste and manners. Usage: Inasmuch as this is supposed to be a genteel meeting, I will do my best to refrain from calling anyone a pencil-necked geek.

H - hubris. Meaning: arrogance; excessive pride. Usage: The principal cause of ruination and damnation is wanton excess through the sin of hubris.

I - innate. Meaning: inherent in the essential character of something. Usage: He did, however, have an innate grasp of sarcasm, dressed with flair so people would leave him alone when they asked stupid questions.

J - jargon. Meaning: the language of a particular trade. Usage: I don't understand the crypto jargon like dip, bear and hodl.

K - kickshoe. Meaning. A dancer, but a really bad one. Usage: Have you seen all the kickshoes on TikTok - are they not hilarious?

L - lampoon. Meaning: to ridicule with satire: Usage: Tiffany wrote a critical lampoon of the journalist and sent it to her local newspaper, but the editor was sleeping with her and refused to publish it. 

M - motif. Meaning: a recurring theme or subject. Usage: Roel's birthday motifs emphasized vampires, vodka and viruses.

N - nemesis. Meaning. An enemy or something that cannot be conquered. Usage: For a lot of users, writing is their chief nemesis.

O - onomatopoeia. Meaning: The formation of a word, such as cuckoo, meow, honk, or boom, by imitation of a sound made by or associated with its referent. Usage: Let's just say there's an element of onomatopoeia in the phrase cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.

P - pseudonym. Meaning: a fictitious name typically used by an author. Usage: Satan doesn't appear to be a great pseudonym for a Christian writer.

Q - quandary. Meaning. A difficult situation that is hard to escape from. Usage: Maria found herself in quite the quandary when she had LBM at the mall and there was no toilet paper.

R - rubric. Meaning: an established mode of conduct or procedure. Usage: Reading the professor's rubric was as boring as watching paint dry.

S - soliloquy. Meaning: The act of talking while or as if alone, as in a play. Usage: Pedro's Hamlet soliloquy was two fries short of a full meal deal.

T - talisman. Meaning: A trinket thought to be a magical protection against evil. Usage: Denice used her crucifix as a talisman to ward off her ex-boyfriend.

U - ubiquitous. Meaning: being present everywhere at once. Usage: Lola's moth was ubiquitous in her province.

V - vacuous. Meaning: To be devoid of intelligence. Usage. There's a lot of vacuous content on Facebook.

W - wallow. Meaning: Devoting oneself entirely to something. Usage: The mistress was wallowing in misery when she found out she was his third mistress.

X - xenophobia. Meaning: A fear of foreigners or strangers. Usage: Hermits, not the crabs, prefer to be alone.

Y - yahoo. Meaning: A person who is not intelligent or interested in culture. Usage: Ever notice all the yahoos on Twitter barking at each other over trivial things?

Z - zephyr. Meaning: A slight wind. Usage: Was that a zephyr coming from her rear end after she ate?

There you have it, my yokels, homeslices, dawgs and besties!

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Avatar for Scotty17
2 years ago


It's my first time to encounter this word "jargon".😁 Thank you writer for another information you imparted.❤️❤️❤️

$ 0.01
2 years ago

No problem. Learn them all.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Almost all the words are new for me. Thanks for such a healthy article. Please keep posting such a useful information and articles.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Appreciate the comment, keep coming back.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lovely and impressive dear. A to z... ❤️ new words to learn.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I try to learn a few words per week and use them. The words I posted I have known for years.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

"I'm wallowing in read cash" Is my sentence correct?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Kind of, Tomi. I suppose the word could be taken literally or figuratively. lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A lot of hubris is ubiquitous in the world. Lol

$ 0.01
2 years ago

For sure! You nailed it, Jane.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

New words to know and add too

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Use them or lose them!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ofcourse use them soon 🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nostalgic! Reminds me of my english courses back then. Figures of speech and all

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Just trying to throw more words out there. Most people have about an 700-800 word vocabulary.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My son listens to that song 4-5 times a day. Before he could pronounce the name Blippy, he called the singer PeePee. lols.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Funny! Blippy seems to appear a little too effeminate for my liking.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

HaHaHa. Those suspenders? lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ding, ding ding! Correct!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

lols for zephyr......

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh, you betcha! lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

i was collecting what would be my favorite word among your list.... zephyr wiped them all out..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What an article you just dropped here. Very well thought out and daring. I really liked the letter B, ahah.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

lol brainstorming.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks...I just learnt some new words.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Great! Glad to hear it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago