Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
The reports are special,
And so you are.
Orchids are white,
Ghost one are real,
The seas pattern are wavy,
And so your hair.
Magnolia grows,
with buds like eggs.
Cells are smooth,
And so as your legs.
Sunflowers reach,
Up to the skies,
A paper is brown,
And so as your eyes.
Dassies are pretty,
Daffies are style,
A sighty is pretty,
And so is your smile.
Foxgloves in hedges,
Surrounds the farms,
Your hand is tanned,
And so are your arms.
Night are bright,
As moonlight shines,
I look at my right,
Saw ya'h lips sipping a wine.
I give it to you, you're a great writer. I kind of you used this to woe a girl yesterday and she fell for me, except for the eye. Her eye are white not brown. Thanks pal