In the past 2 decades, alcohol-related deaths have got a high mortality rate by nearly three times (3x) for young people between ages of 25 to 34, killing people in the peak of their life.
A lot of people don't realize how can alcohol affects their liver. Our liver acts like a filter, processing everything we breathe, as well as filtering what we eat and drink including that one alcoholic drink we consumed per hour.
I know that you are now wearing a perplexed look about what will happen if you go beyond that one alcoholic drink per hour. Your liver will starts to malfunction, it becomes overworked and can't process the alcohol properly because of the ethanol content of it. The stress under liver can result to scarring causing a lot of damage and this continual damage may go unnoticed for years, because you won't feel anything and there are no visual and physical symptoms of it, resulting in an Alcoholic Liver Disease.
Young people who are consuming about 4-5 alcoholic drinks in one sitting can be called as binge drinkers. This high concentrated amount of alcohol may strains your liver and can result in more damage. However, there are a lot of solutions to lower down your risk of having Alcoholic Liver Diseases, like having knowledge on how much you're actually consuming, controlling the portion size of a drink you are taking, and cutting back yourself from being alcoholic can make a difference between being healthy and active later in life or worst, potentially losing your life.
In another word, if you are a binge drinker, you are just waiting for your life to turn into ashes once you go beyond that one drink per hour. You will not be able to have a normal life, healthy relationship or have a very charming children, and you won't be able to be at their side whenever they needed your support if they have a contest or problem.
Yes, drinking alcohol beverages maybe one of your ways to release your stress or tiredness, but let's be mindful of what will be the possible effect of it to you now and in the future.
Start time : 8:16 pm PHT
End time : 8:26 pm PHT
Device Used in Writing : Smart Phone
Timer : Smart Phone (set up a timer)
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Goodluck sis!