She is the Women of substance

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1 year ago

To be a woman of substance is not an easy job. The perils she faced through, to reach the destination of her choice, should have made her the women she wanted to be. Here few win, but some give up, as their worth gets unnoticed.

It is hard to find a women of substance because more women depend on sustenance hiding their caliber. When you are determined and talented and when somebody is there to help you to bring out the best in you, definitely you become more influential.

The way they handle things is quite different from a man. You give them a meagre income and ask them to run the family with it for a month and they will do their best. The patience and strength they gather in executing various tasks within their limits is their real challenge.

She is the one who holds back the tears and fights for her needs silently. Give her a pat and the response is immense. Give her a hug, her love becomes unconditional.

I know many people with hidden talents. Women who are good in speaking, in writing, in other creative skills like art, cooking, sports, singing, designing etc. But their input talents are suppressed within themselves either out of fear for public or due to family pressures.

Some children shine brightly in education and sports during their school days. Always struggling to top the others. Winnin3h was their main criteria. They hardly give a chance for the others to win. But now most of these bright students are confined within the four walls of their room.

But there are women who had attained their worth with the support of their family. One such person is P.T. Usha from South India. She is an athlete with a good record in track events. She is a legend who has won several gold medal for our country. In 80's and 90's she was a winning star in Asian games. Presently, she runs a sports school for children in her place. Recently she was in news. For her achievements she has become a member of Rajya Sabha.

Only when somebody gives a chance for a women will she be able to know and prove her self worth.

Infact, in our country I have seen many politicians talking about uplifttment of women. And the promises they make when in leadership, are just washed away in water once they take over charge.

When women are empowered with responsibilities they can make wonders to their respective nations. It is more likely possible that a women can understand and execute things with less risk.

Every job has its own respect. Right from the four walls of kitchen to the renowned entrepreneurs. A real women of substance.

Images from unsplash.

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Avatar for Sashaa
Written by
1 year ago


Every woman has the capability to be worthy, everything she does makes it all perfect. And I'm proud to be a woman.

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