Why I chose read.cash?/Por qué elegí Read.cash?

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I'll start by saying that I didn't expect to be here. It's not like I really like writing about what I think, but I've found that writing helps clarify ideas, and makes you more analytical and reasonable, less impulsive.

Hello! My name is Sara, I'm 22 years old and I'll tell you what I do here at Read.choise. Since last year I have been looking for where to generate income other than the profession I have. I studied music, only a technician, because I couldn't finish my professional career; The emphasis of my technical career was the vocal technique (singing), and before graduating, I started working as a singing teacher. I can't deny that giving singing lessons is fun, but it's not really something that I'm passionate about or makes me feel fulfilled. What I really love is singing, singing in the shower, in church, in restaurants, casting, participating in competitions, singing at birthdays, parties, weddings, etc. but these events don't happen to me very often, and regarding the classes, as I mentioned it is not my passion.

I have a youtube channel where I upload my music cover videos, a facebook page and an instagram profile, which I hope to be able to monetize when I upload the songs that I have written at some point.

While I achieve that, I work selling desserts, giving the occasional singing class, piano class, singing at events that come my way, working night shifts at a fast food restaurant, and saving up so I can record my own album soon.

That's what brought me here to Read.choise, a place, where I can write and earn for it, where I can get something extra, to fulfill my dreams, and as my mom says: "opportunities only come once, and do not return"; She may be right, and I don't want to continue wasting my time, but rather take advantage of it to one day complete the purpose for which I came to this world.

Not being more, I want you to continue reading me and read all the articles, blogs or whatever you want to call it, that I will upload here; I will probably not follow a single thematic line, but I will upload Random themes, which I hope you like. Thanks to the creators of Read.cash, for creating such a great place.

Empezaré diciendo que no esperaba estar aquí. No es como que me guste mucho escribir sobre lo que pienso, pero he dado cuneta que escribir ayuda a aclarar las ideas, y te hace ser más analítico y razonable, menos impulsivo.

¡Hola! Me llamo Sara, tengo 22 años y te contaré, que hago aquí en Read.choise. Desde el año pasado he estado buscando donde generar ingresos económicos diferentes a la profesión que tengo. Estudié música, solo un técnico, pues no pude terminar la carrera profesional; el énfasis de mi carrera técnica, fue la técnica vocal (canto), y desde antes de graduarme, empecé a trabajar como profesora de canto. No puedo negar que dar clases de canto es algo divertido, pero realmente no es algo que me apasiona o me hace sentir plena. Lo que realmente me apasiona es cantar, cantar en la ducha, en la iglesia, en restaurantes, hacer casting, participar en concursos, cantar en cumpleaños, fiestas, bodas etc. pero estos eventos no me salen muy seguido, y con respecto a las clases, como lo mencione no es mi pasión.

Tengo un canal de YouTube donde subo mis videos covers musicales, una pagina de facebook y un perfil de Instagram, los que espero poder monetizar cuando suba las canciones que he escrito en algún momento.

Mientras logro eso, trabajo vendiendo postres, dando una que otra clase de canto, clase de piano, cantando en los eventos que me salgan, trabajando en turnos de noche en un restaurante de comidas rápidas, y ahorrando para poder grabar pronto mi propio álbum.

Eso es lo que me trajo aquí a Read.choise, un lugar, donde puedo escribir y ganar por ello, donde puedo obtener algo extra, para cumplir mis sueños, y como dice mi mamá: "las oportunidades sólo se presentan 1 vez, y no regresan"; puede que ella tenga la razón, y no quiero seguir desperdiciando mi tiempo, sino aprovecharlo para un día completar el propósito para el cual vine a este mundo.

No siendo más, deseo que me sigas leyendo y que leas todos los artículos, blogs o como deseas llamarlo, que subiré aquí; probablemente no seguiré una sola línea temática, sino que subiré temas Random, que espero te gusten. Gracias a los creadores de Read.cash, por crear este lugar tan grandioso.

$ 0.16
$ 0.10 from @DrPsycho
$ 0.03 from @Lixten
$ 0.02 from @Mictorrani
+ 1


Welcome to read.cash Sara. Goodluck and i hope you will have a wonderful journey here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you. God Bless you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Whatever your reasons, being on read.cash is a great decision. You are welcome

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you. God Bless U

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hmm. I see that read.cash has a new visitor. Welcome friend. I hope you will have a great time here. Already subscribed to see what you will do. Goodluck with your journey Stay happy, Stay blessed

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for your motivation. I hope you like my articles

$ 0.00
2 years ago