Voice➡️ Achievement➡️ Do/Say➡️ Think/Feel➡️

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Day by day we can make deliberate choices that will improve our character.

We are talking about more than to-do lists.

You can call these your “to-be” lists.

To illustrate the importance of making small, Deliberate decisions, Think about your favorite painting.

Every painting is a collection of brush strokes.

When you are close enough to the painting to examine each particular brush stroke, None of these brush strokes is particularly impressive or interesting.

Stand a little further back, And you will see a combination of strokes with different colors—probably going in a different directions—and they may seem completely random.

It is not until you stand back far enough to see the entire canvas and get the appropriate context that you will see a beautiful painting.

Similarly, When we evaluate the character of those we admire, We will see that they do good things consistently, Or that they develop their character deliberately, One brush stroke at a time.

Like looking at a painting too closely, Small and deliberate acts to improve character may not seem like much.

Collectively, these seemingly small acts, As you persist, Can make of your life a work of art.

Don't think, However, That building our character “piece by piece,” as John Luther put it, Can be delayed until tomorrow.

These seemingly small acts can lead to great results, And over a life time transform lives that inspire us all.

What would happen if we included as part of our time-management philosophy and practice, The small things that if done consistently over time would build our character?

No man can climb out beyond the limitations of his own character.

—John Morley

No matter how full a reservoir of maxims one may possess, And no matter how good one's sentiments may be, If one has not taken advantage of every concrete opportunity to act, One's character may remain entirely unaffected for the better.

—William James


Your achievements are a function of the strength of your character (voice of character) in relation to the difficulty of your challenge.

The greater the achievement that you want to realize, The greater strength it demands from your voice of character.

The greater the difficulty of the challenge, The stronger your character needs to be, To achieve what you desire.

Your voice of character is linked to integrity.

It is interesting that the root word for integrity is to integrate, Or in other words to join, Orchestrate, Or unify.

The development of the character or spirit is intended to be unified and orchestrated with the development of the mind (what we think), The heart or relationships (what we feel), As well as the body (What we do and say).

When it is all said and done, The development of the character is everything.

From your character flow your thoughts and feelings.

From your thoughts and feelings come your words and actions, And from your words and actions your achievements and contributions are derived.

Your achievements and contributions will reinforcements and contributions will reinforce your faith and confidence in the continued development of your character.

The more you deliberately follow this cycle, The more you will recognize its possible power and simplicity.

In time it will create its own perpetual motion and will lift your life in an upward spiral.

It is liberating thought that the management of our time is simply and profoundly, The management of our character.

The management of this our character involves integrating everything we are already doing and making adjustments where we have misalignments.


💡Wait for my next article... “Achievement cycle”

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