If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, It wouldn't seem so wonderful at all.
Imagine the four seasons:
And autumn.
They happen in a predictable sequence, And each season plays an important part in the ecosystem.
Plants, Animals, And people alike respond to the rhythm of the seasons. Each season gives its distinctive beauty and feeling as well as bringing balance to the ecology.
This allegory is connected to how we achieve results consistently. Achieving results also has seasons, sequence, And patterns.
As we have just examined in the allegory of the three-combination lock, We mentioned the importance of learning from without and growing from within.
In this allegory we are going to take a more in-depth look at how to learn from without.
We will not only look at how results are achieved, but how character is connected to results.
One of the four seasons represents our achievements. How do we realize achievements, and is there a predictable pattern to achieving them? Consider this question.
Would you agree with me if I said that that your achievements stem from the things that you do and/or say? In the many times I have posed this question the answer has always been yes. It is self-evident. What we do and say has a great impact on what we achieve.
Results or achievements represent one season. The things we do and say that lead to our achievements represents a second season.
To illustrate, consider for example an athlete who practices his sports for hours each day.
When the practices (Do/Say) have been repeatedly well-executed, The athlete or team is likely to do well (Achievements).
Think of the example of a manager who pushes who pushes a new strategy with every opportunity he can find (do/say), And consequently turns the team around (achievements).
Study the salesperson who makes a high volume of prospective client calls daily, no matter what (Do/Say), And consistently hits her goal (Achievements).
Ponder about the parent who deliberately and consistently spends time with his children, Whether it's playing, Listening, Working, Laughing, Helping with homework (Do/say), And has a good relationship (Achievements).
It's easy to see how consistency in actions and in words, Contribute to your achievements.