"A talent of mine"

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Avatar for Samay-Ban
3 years ago

Since I was a child, I always wanted to draw. At an early age, I discovered my talent which is drawing. Everytime my mother bring me to school, I sit in an empty seat if one of her pupils did not come to school or I will go to a corner and draw. She kept all my drawings to show me if I will grow up. I still remember the drawing I made which is Lapu-lapu. It's a memorable drawing because all her pupils drew him but mine was the coolest. Hehe. I was very happy back then. With that, I was motivated and inspired to make my drawing more realistic.

When I was in grade 1, our teacher told us to draw at home and bring the next day. I did my best and when I showed it to my teacher, she can't believe her eyes. She told me to draw it again and I did. She was amazed. She thought that it's not my own drawing so she let me repeat the process inorder for her to see it to herself. She smiled at me and appreciated my effort. I told it to my mother after dismissal and she laughed.

I don't have a problem when it comes to art or when the teachers require us to draw. So Arts was my favorite subject that time. During drawing time, some of my classmates tell me to draw it for them. I gladly do it and they always thank me for it. The back of my notebooks and padpapers were full of drawings. Haha. I draw what I see and imagine.

There was this time when one of my mother's pupil challenged me to draw. He told me that we will have a contest to see who draw better. He's in grade 3 and I was in grade 1. Unfair? Nah, I know I can do it. I believed in myself. I accepted the challenge and we drew at the same time. Later that moment, we finished and compared it together. Wow! It's almost the same. I appreciated his and he appreciated mine. There's no winner. Haha. "You really know your thing!" He said. I thanked him and went to our classroom.

One time, my mother asked me to draw and follow the setting of a story of our hometown. I tried doing it and was able to draw. I showed her and told me that it's great. If only I have something to rely on. Hehe.

Not only in primary but also during secondary. We were in 1st year highschool that time. One of my classmate's friend told me to draw using a ballpen. No erasures and no repeating. One chance only. I accepted it also. I did my best so that I will not commit mistakes. Afterwards, we compared it together. I was impressed. He's really good. I accepted my defeat. He's impressed also but his work was much better. I congratulated him.

In highschool, I added sports to my list like badminton and basketball to be specific. These are more of a hobby or skill. Not a talent hehe. I enjoyed playing badminton and joined the provincial meet after winning during district meet. Then basketball was introduced to us. I loved it! We always play during our spare time. I was included as one of the players in our year level. Then in district meet. Also in our barangay team during sports festival. It's a really good game and good excercise. I carried it until college. I joined the team as well but only during the school department sports festival. I tried joining the varsity but only during practice. Not the actual game.

Until now, I still draw. My mom told me that when I was young, all I did was to draw and draw. Everytime I go to her room, that's what I do. It's good to remember the memories back then.

I did painting also but not that good. I'm in the process of improving it. Below are some of my paintings. You can tell by the looks that I'm a newbie. Hehe.

My first ever painting way back 2017😊

I love Luffy so I always draw or paint him. He's funny and adorable. I hope to master it so that I can paint well. The tutorials in youtube and facebook helped me a lot. I want to discover more so that I will improve and be able to paint a masterpiece😊

Let's appreciate and love our talents that we received. We should enhance it and use for good because it's for our benefit. We have all kinds of talents and hobbies.

Talent is often thought of as the kind of ability that comes without training—something that you’re born with. It is often contrasted with skill, which is an ability acquired and developed through practice. It can also be used to refer to people who are talented (which is the adjective form of talent). This is according to dictionary.

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Avatar for Samay-Ban
3 years ago



$ 0.00
3 years ago

Give me a picture and I will draw it.. Haha And paint also. As long as it's clear and have good quality picture. Hahahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

They're all beautiful. Kamusta naman yung drawing ko na puro stick lang.. haha..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha, don't worry because your talent is singing and playing guitar.. As well as table tennis. Hehe. Parang uulan naman kung ako yung kakanta haha.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Could you draw one for me?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes I can, as long as you give me something to draw. Hehe

$ 0.00
3 years ago