The New Point System

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Sometimes I forget how new is. There have been some significant changes in the past few days and it definitely shows. One thing I've noticed off the top is tighter knit groups with specific topics and less random commenting with unspecified jargon.

I took my time today writing a few articles and was pleasantly surprised to see this:


You have 123.2 point(s) now, currently, it is expected to be worth about $ 0.1492 at payout from's fund tomorrow.

In the past it would have taken me nearly half a day to receive that kind of payout as whereto now all it really does take is a few good articles. Yes, I have some articles published where I received no points, but that's okay - the random point system is still fun for me, it's a gamble...and statistics shows that eventually an article will "hit".


Less garbage and random communities but also a bit dull as well (hopefully that will change in time). Writing about Bitcoins is still a hot ticket, that hasn't changed, but I still would like to see more specific and engaging topics for communities.


There's a lot less submissions now, it's only been day 1 of the new change so perhaps that will change too over time. What possibly is happening is that community moderators have gotten stricter as well on what posts are getting in. I had a post denied today because it wasn't adhering to all the rules, and rightfully so!

So far so good with the new change, I plan on writing a few more articles before I call it a night - I notice I'm less stressed with the new point system and I can actually take my time now and write without worrying about squeezing out a penny every hour.

$ 0.00


It's not a gamble it's very clear. You post in a featured community and you can earn points. For nothing else you can.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You aren’t guaranteed points in a featured community in most of them you have 50 percent chance that’s why it’s called random

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sometimes I don't get points even when it is approved by the featured community. I wonder why hehe

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes good. Your artucle are good. Thanks for share this article. Thank you.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

এটি কোনও জুয়া নয় এটি খুব স্পষ্ট। আপনি একটি বৈশিষ্ট্যযুক্ত সম্প্রদায় পোস্ট করেন এবং আপনি পয়েন্ট অর্জন করতে পারেন। আর কিছু না করে তুমি পারো না

$ 0.00
4 years ago