School Violence and Types of Bullying

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Avatar for Salame09
3 years ago

There are so many cases of School Violence on this generation, including fighting between students, sexual harassment and bullying affecting one's mental health. School violence becomes a serious problem even in the past years or decades in different countries, some even use different weapon and attack school staff using physical attack.

School Violence is prevalent in different countries affecting children and adolescents. Social Violence consist of Psychological, Physical and Sexual Violence.

Physical Fighting

This is one of the School Violence that occurs when a two students decided to fight using their strenght. A simple teasing with each other may result of physical fights. Some reasons why other students resort into physical fighting is because of their environment. Example is in Home Environment, they experience physical abuse to their own parents that is why some is rebelling through physical fighting. Another thing is their Neighborhood Environment, like when their neighborhood is full of physical violence, fighting using their fist and they always catch sight of it.

Sexual Violence

Sexual Violence is widespread also in school, and the perpetrator is their own classmate or even a teacher. It is Sexual Violence when a student force themselves to his fellow student or a teacher to his student to have sex, or without their consent. Sexual Violence can experience by everyone, and anyone can be the perpetrator any ages, any sexual orientations and any genders. There are also consequences of sexual violence such as, physical injury, genetal injuries and in mental health of the victim like, anxiety, depression and suicidal thought.


Bullying is a purposely abusing of their power in their relationaship through physical, social and verbal behaviour intending to cause physical ang psychological harm. It can happen to a a group of people or individual who has more power toward other people and misusing it to their victim who can't stop it from happening.

Behaviour of the Bully

To be considered it a bullying, the bully must be aggressive and:

  • Misusing of Power - a students who bully their victims using their power through their physical sthrenght and blackmailing using embarrassing information to control others.

  • Repetition - bullying can happen not just once or twice, it can happen as long as they want to control you for their own satisfaction.

Types of Bullying

There are different types of bullying that includes physical, mental, sexual and cyberbullying.

  • Physical Bullying - the bully physically hurt their victims through:

  • Hitting, Kicking, Shoving, Pinching

  • Locking up in the Bathroom

  • Forcing the victim to steal anything

  • Take and destroy the victim things

  • Saying mean things with mean hand gestures

  • Psychological Bullying - the bully used verbal and emotional abuse their victim, including social exclusion or shutting out and refers to;

  • Be called in any mean names

  • Be teased in disagreeable ways

  • Be ingnored by them purposely

  • Be the subject of nasty rumors

  • Sexual Bullying - the bully made fun of their victim by;

  • Being a subject of their sexual jokes

  • Being a subject of unappropriate comments

  • Cyberbullying - the bully sending false rumors to everyome using social media sites.

  • Sending mean message via text

  • Spreading rumors through email

  • Creating a site to taunt the victim

  • Spreading pictures without the victim consent

  • Sending hurtful messages to the victim

  • Calling names using cellphone or call

School violence need to be stop now for the good future of the kids. Stopping it will also stop the continuosly increasing of suicide all over the world. Proper guidance not from just Parents but also from the Teachers is really needed. By doing it, kids now will go to school without thinking that one day, they might be next victim or perpetrator of School Violence.

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$ 0.32
$ 0.24 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @tired_momma
$ 0.03 from @eommaZel
Avatar for Salame09
3 years ago


I made an article before about “What if your Child was a Bully”. Bullying has reasons why it happens. From the bully down to its victim. But bullying must be stopped and the first people to prevent and stop it was the parents of the bullies themselves. Never ignore signs of a bully and a bully victim, it may affect their lives deeply emotionally, and mentally.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes yes, they have reasons, and I agree that the parents should be the first one to stop it, but how can they If they are the reason why their child is like that. Some bully just want their larents attentions and some have other reasons.

Anyway thank you for the upvote 😽

$ 0.00
3 years ago

My son got bullied in school and when he goes to the park. I feel bad but always telling him, tell the teacher or go home immediately.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You should take action on that matter, leaving it like nothing may affect the child. You can go to school to report it, even if they are just a kids they need to be desciplined. They will get a long scolding from me, if ever it was my child.

And thank you the upvote, wow I can see that people here is so genereous. I love it here now.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Bullying in school is not good at all i don't support it at all

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Off course, it's really not good, it may affect ones life. So doing it is not good and really not cool. Some just do it for fun, such a

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Unfortunately, many children today are exposed to violence both at school and at home.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sadly yes, even if they have a loving family but if their neighborhood environment has full of violence and they can see it everyday, I'm sure they will be affected too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The violence need to be stopped because it will hurt the children emotionally

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, you get what I mean.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I hate those who bully other. This is a disgusting activity. Bullying can can lead to a negative consequences such as mental health and suicide.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I hate it too, mostly, it happens in schools. Because no one will report them because their victim is afraid to do so. And seriously, the mentality of their victim is the first that will be affected.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sadly it doesn't happen just as school but almost everywhere and even in work, churches, on the streets, even at home. They say that bullies have a psychological problem too

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That is true, not just in school but everywhere, and that is also true, they experiencing something in their home that is why they are resorting to violence. They are benting their frustration to others and that is really not good.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That and i also read somewhere that they don't really feel remorse or guilt towards their victims too which is why i can't tell who i should be sad for at times

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, if only their family will focus to them or just give them the attention that they deserve. Sometimes they also do it because they want attention from their parents right, because of the hectic sched of some parent to their child they are forgetting their role to thier child, you know

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm not sure? The parents of bullies often have relatively healthy families, it's just that they might have suffered sone head trauma or some other kind of defect like the depletion of brain matter

$ 0.00
3 years ago